Agenda item

Annual Customer Feedback and Complaint reports 2023/24

To receive the Annual Customer Feedback and Complaints report 2023/24.


The Cabinet Member: Homes, Enforcement & Customer Services presented the Customer Feedback reports for 2023/24 which gave an update on feedback received by the council between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. 


The report sought to provide assurance that the council’s response to complaints was effective and that services were learning from complaints and wider customer feedback in order to improve.  It also detailed annual feedback on Children’s Services and Adults Services complaints.


The Corporate Feedback Report showed there had been a sustained increase in the number of compliments received year on year.  During the reporting period, 639 compliments had been received, up from 566 the year before.  This was an increase of 13% in the reporting period and an increase of 120% over the last 5 years.


There had been 721 complaints received in 2023/24 which was a 10% increase from 656 in the previous year.  Whilst this was an increase, this was well within 1% of all transactions undertaken by the council and was well within accepted customer service industry standards. 


During 2023/24 the council had responded to corporate complaints had reduced from an average of 11 days to an average of 10 days, which was well within the 15 working day target.  An average of 87% of corporate complaints were responded to within the 15 working day target a significant improvement on the 80% achieved in 2022/23.


Response times for Children’s Service Complaints reduced from 16 days to 14 with Adults Services responses being 29 working days up slightly from 25 working days in the previous year.


The report detailed the proactive insight work being undertaken over the last 12 months which included the mystery customer programme and expanding the customer satisfaction surveys.  Satisfaction rates from the customer contact centre and 93% an increase on the 91% in the previous year.  The satisfaction rate for Ask Tom, the council’s digital assistant was 99%.


Improvements had been taking place across the council following complaints and feedback from local residents and customers and the council continued to demonstrate that they were learning from complaints and where Local Government Ombudsman and Social Care Ombudsman complaints were upheld, they were satisfied that the council successfully implemented their recommendations.  Where there was an upheld case, the council is taking their learning forward to improve the relevant practices.


Members welcomed the report and considered that all complaints were a learning opportunity and communication was an important learning tool.  Compliments had risen by 13% in the reporting period and 120% over 5 years which was a testament to staff and the quality of work delivered to local residents.  Mystery customers kept the council on its toes.  The council would continue to look for better opportunities and what areas could be improved.  The customer statistics for the contact centre and Ask Tom were good and the hours of the contact centre had been extended to 7pm when other local authorities were reducing their hours to the public.   In relation to Children’s Services, although complaints had been received, if this was put into the context of the transactions undertaken by the council, this was considered to be an amazing statistic as was the response rate back to families of 14 days.  The council would continue to encourage residents to give feedback and have their voices heard.


The Leader of the Conservative Group commented that the council was in a good position.  The feedback he received from residents on the council day to day services was that it was a well-run council and this was a testament to the officer core.  Complaints were an opportunity to engage positively with the public.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the complaints received as when people raise issues they could be resolved rather than resorting to  social media and he encouraged residents to get in contact.  He was pleased that residents could still phone the council as some people struggle to use online services.  A new complaint framework had been launched which amended the times for responding to complaints which was welcomed for the public, although it put a lot more pressure on the local authority. 


RESOLVED – that:


a)    the Customer Feedback Reports for 2023-24 in respect of Adult Statutory Complaints, Children’s Statutory Complaints and Corporate Customer Feedback be reviewed; and


b)   the improvement in complaint handing performance and the increase in positive feedback be noted.

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