Venue: The Telford Room, Addenbrooke House, Ironmasters Way, Telford, TF3 4NT
Contact: Sam Yarnall 01952 382193
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 263 KB Minutes: RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2022 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. |
Terms of Reference 2022/2023 PDF 50 KB To receive the Terms of Reference 2022/2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Senior Democracy Officer (Scrutiny) presented the report to the committee and explained that at the first meeting of each municipal year the committee was required to be confirm the Terms of Reference for the Committee for the coming year as set out in Appendix A of the report.
After the discussion Members voted on the Terms of Reference 2022/2023 subject to amendments:
RESOLVED that the Terms of Reference for the year 2022/2023 as outlined in Appendix A of the report be approved.
To receive the work programme of the Health Scrutiny Committee for 2022/2023. Minutes: The Senior Democracy Officer (Scrutiny) presented the Work Programme for the municipal year 2022/2023 to the committee. Each item was presented and summarised to the committee. It was explained that some items such as the Hospital Transformation Programme would better sit within the remit of the Joint Health and Overview Scrutiny Committee and information would be fed back to the Health Scrutiny Committee.
Members wished for a greater focus on Adult Social Care. In response the Director: Adult Social Care provided a summary of the service within the Borough, particularly in relation to the work undertaken to discharge residents from hospital. At the time of the meeting, there were five Telford and Wrekin residents waiting to be discharged.
Councillor G L Offland arrived at the meeting at 2.32pm.
RESOLVED that the work programme for the 2022/2023 municipal year be approved.
Primary Care Services - Call to Action PDF 261 KB To receive a report on Primary Care Services – Call to Action. Minutes: The Senior Democracy Officer (Scrutiny) presented the Primary Care Services – Call to Action item to the committee. It was proposed that a working group be established to review the access to Primary Care for the residents in the Borough. Many Members had raised concerns in relation to access into primary care due to the number of residents that had contacted them in regard to accessing their GP. It was explained that since the COVID-19 Pandemic, many GPs had moved to a telephone or digital first system as the initial point of access.
Councillor S J Reynolds left the meeting at 3.04pm.
RESOLVED that a working group be established to consider access into primary care.
Integrated Care Partnership Progress Update PDF 172 KB To receive the report on the Integrated Care Partnership Progress from the NHS. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director: Health & Wellbeing, presented an update from the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). The presentation summarised the changes from the previous Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to the ICP and that the Partnership first met on 5 October 2022. The ICB would set the five-year vision for the Integrated Care Strategy by the end of March 2023. The Director: Health & Wellbeing explained the ICP’s governance structure and the goals of the ICP.
Members raised a number of questions and comments.
From examination of the JSNA data and the various changes to the system over the years, would the ICP be able to address the issues faced in healthcare currently?
The Director: Health & Wellbeing said that the ICP and government guidance wanted the Integrated Care Strategy to incorporate approaches to improve population health, reduce inequalities and integrate health & care services. The interim draft strategy has used both JSNAs, both Health & Wellbeing strategies and other insights to inform the proposed set of priorities.
Would the ICS be able to bring the various elements of the NHS together such as supported living and social care?
The ICS and ICP is about bringing a whole system approach in this way.
Did residents know where services are and what they do? Should there be further exploration into education of the public to know what services are available and what they do?
The ICS Communications & Engagement Team are working with partners on a plan to engage further around the development of this strategy and the ICB’s Five Year Forward Plan.
Members felt that there needs to be a whole system approach and further consideration needed to be given to how primary care was supported to reduce levels of hospitalisation. Members discussed that the system should look at the support available following being discharged and the support available within the home.
Previously the system had pooled budgets to support the healthcare system, would the budgets be altered as part of the system?
The Director: Health & Wellbeing explained that there are some examples of pooled arrangements already in the system, such as the Better Care Fund.
Would the ICB plan on a yearly basis? Will it take a needs-based approach for patients as part of their forward planning?
The ICP has used both JSNAs and other insight from people to develop the Integrated Care Strategy which will be used to inform the Five Year Forward Plan.
Would the funding in the system be joint with the neighbouring council?
At the time of the meeting, there were not, currently, any joint funding arrangements in this way.
RESOLVED – that:
a) the update on the discussion held at the first Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) meeting be noted;
b) the update on the development of the Integrated Care Strategy (IC Strategy) be noted.
Adult Social Care Regulation PDF 597 KB To receive an update on Adult Social Care Regulation. Minutes: The Director: Adult Social Care and the Service Delivery Manager: Commissioning, Procurement & Brokerage presented the update to adult social care regulation to the committee. The presentation summarised the changes in regulation for adult social care, effective from April 2023. It was explained that the new regulations are introducing a similar rating system to that of OFSTED inspections in schools. This would be led by the CQC and it would rate the care provision provided by the Local Authority. It was explained that some of the ways in which the CQC decide upon their ratings is from feedback provided by service users.
Members raised the following questions:
What were the financial implications in relation to the changes to the service and impact on performance?
The Director: Adult Social Care explained that from a Local Authority perspective, the Council is in a strong position, especially in terms of performance. The service was continually looking to improve and develop. There were a small number of additional posts to support the system and the service provided.
How could an individual be part of the Making It Real Board?
It was explained that individuals can be invited onto the Making It Real Board and can provide feedback and enquire about being involved on the Making It Real Board website.
The surveys required for the CQC ratings and patient feedback for a service provision could be complex, what support could be offered to support residents with this?
The Director: Adult Social Care said that the surveys are required by the Department of Health and Social Care and currently have a low response rate. Members were advised that the Local Authority was not allowed to include any guidance with the forms. The Director: Adult Social Care explained that the questionnaires are anonymised and help to determine the action plan.
When conducting financial assessments was financial support provided?
It was explained that financial support is dependent upon need and that there was a legal requirement to have a charging policy.
Would collaboration and partnership with organisations like the ICS support the backlogs in the healthcare system?
The Director: Adult Social Care said that collaboration with the ICS and CQC helped to create an integrated pathway for the patient to have a joint plan with partners.
Chair's Update Minutes: The next meeting of the committee was scheduled for 1 March 2023.