Attendance summary

Explanation of the statistics columns

The number of meetings that the councillor was expected to attend, whether in person or virtually, in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the actual attendance status is known.
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
In attendance
The number of meetings that the councillor attended in a capacity other than committee member, for example a voluntary attendance out of personal interest for a topic being discussed.
Councillor Expected Present In attendance
Councillor Erin Aston550
Councillor Steve Bentley550
Councillor Karen Blundell420
Councillor Mark Boylan550
Councillor Andy Burford650
Councillor Stephen Burrell530
Councillor Eileen Callear760
Councillor Lee Carter880
Councillor Corrine Chikandamina110
Councillor Graham Cook750
Councillor Elise Davies540
Councillor Shaun Davies MP750
Councillor Paul Davis10100
Councillor Fiona Doran660
Councillor Nigel Dugmore1180
Councillor Andrew Eade520
Councillor Arnold England440
Councillor Nathan England761
Councillor Stephen Handley660
Councillor Zona Hannington770
Councillor Carolyn Healy771
Councillor Thomas Janke850
Councillor Amrik Jhawar860
Councillor Janice Jones830
Councillor Gilly Latham-Reynolds500
Councillor Luke Lewis530
Councillor Giles Luter760
Councillor Angela McClements980
Councillor Raj Mehta760
Councillor Kelly Middleton871
Councillor Helena Morgan880
Councillor Tim Nelson972
Councillor Gemma Offland730
Councillor Richard Overton880
Councillor Lyndsey Parker800
Councillor Leanne Powers300
Councillor Ian Preece650
Councillor Shirley Reynolds840
Councillor Stephen Reynolds860
Councillor Hilda Rhodes650
Councillor Ranbir Sahota640
Councillor Peter Scott770
Councillor Sarah Syrda640
Councillor Gareth Thomas550
Councillor Paul Thomas540
Councillor John Thompson770
Councillor Karen Tomlinson520
Councillor Bill Tomlinson1052
Councillor Kim Tonks540
Councillor Chris Turley540
Councillor Rachael Tyrrell770
Councillor Jenny Urey740
Councillor Ollie Vickers1190
Councillor Paul Watling881
Councillor Derek White880