Issue details

All Age Carers Strategy 2024 - 2029

For final sign off for the All Age Carers Strategy 2024 - 2029

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/08/2024

Explanation of anticipated restriction:

Decision due: 7 Nov 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Kelly Middleton - Cabinet Member: Healthier, Safer & Stronger Communities and Partnerships, Cllr Paul Watling - Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care & Health Systems, Cllr Shirley Reynolds - Cabinet Member: Children, Young People, Education, Employment & Skills

Lead director: Darren Knibbs - Director: Children's Safeguarding & Family Support, Simon Froud - Director: Adult Social Care

Department: Adult Social Care

Contact: Angela Causton, Commissioning Officer, Adult Social Care Email:, Sarah Downes, Integrated Place Partnership Manager Email:, Leeona Marsh, Commissioning Specialist Older People and Prevention Services Email:

Is Consultation Required?: No


  • All Age Carers Strategy 2024 - 2029