Issue - decisions

TWC/2021/0796 Land West of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire

26/01/2022 - TWC/2021/0796 Land West of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire

This application was for an erection of an extra care facility containing 70no. affordable self-contained apartments (Use Class C2) and associated communal and public facilities with associated access, car parking and landscaping on land west of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire


The application was before Planning Committee due to a S106 financial contribution.


Councillor A Eade, Ward Councillor, confirmed that he had raised all of his concerns from application TWC/2021/0795 and had nothing further to raise.


Councillor B Harper spoke on behalf of the Parish Council who raised concerns regarding parking spaces, particularly when there was a change-over of staff.


Mr S Thompson, Wrekin Housing Group, spoke in favour of the application which was an Extra Care site for older people.  There would be a £13m investment from Wrekin Housing Group including £4.2m which had already been secured from Homes England.  If approval was granted they were engaging with Bloor Homes and their partners to get on site.  The design was of a good standard for the benefit of the customers and went beyond the required building regulations and fitted the needs of the community.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the parking for the apartments was one space per two apartments, there were seven staff parking spaces and there would be 10 full time staff on a shift basis with one space per two staff.


During the debate some Members raised concerns on the impact on the visual gateway into Newport and asked if the development could be made “easier on the eye” by amending the size and scale.  The community involvement was welcomed.  Other Members asked if the Parish Council should be more involved and that all people affected be consulted and raised concerns regarding insufficient parking spaces and cars parking on the road.  Further concerns raised were regarding construction traffic during the development of the two sites and the speed of traffic.  It was asked if an overspill car park could be placed within the nearby development and if the 30mph along Station Road could be expended to the sheep island.


The Planning Officer explained that the application had been assessed on planning balance and that it fit into the corner of the site between the Hutchison Way and Station Road to avoid disturbing the Public Right of Way. The height had been reduced to three storeys on two wings to reduce the visual impact.  With regard to parking there was one space for two apartments which was complied with the Local Plan and potentially there would be five or six members of staff at any one time and there were seven spaces for staff.  The residential development would be undertaken on a phased basis, however a construction and environmental management plan would be required via planning condition.


The Area Team Planning Manager confirmed that parking standards formed part of the local plan, which were evidence based, and the recommendation to committee had been made on that basis.  Comments had been taken on board with regard to additional visitors but these had been taken into account within the application which was compliant with policy.  There were local transport connections and the site was in an appropriate and sustainable location.


The Development Management Service Delivery Manager confirmed to Members that the Local Plan was a material consideration and set out the parking standards which were clear and tested and had been adopted by Full Council.  The parking was compliant and there was no reason to ask for anything additional.  Member’s comments would be passed to the Local Plan Team to look at this in the future.


Upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to the following:


a)    the applicant/landowners entering into a Section 106 agreement with the Local Planning Authority (items i) and ii) subject to indexation from the date of committee), relating to:


i)             Financial contribution towards Strategic Highway works in Newport of £31,880.15;


ii)            Financial contribution towards Travel Plan of £5000.00;


iii)          S106 monitoring fee of £638.00 (2% of the total value of contributions, or capped at £20,000);


iv)          All 70no. units to be provided as affordable housing;


v)            Age restriction upon occupancy of units to residents aged 55 years and above; and


b)   The conditions: contained within the report.