Issue - decisions

TWC/2021/0795 Land West of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire

26/01/2022 - TWC/2021/0795 Land West of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire

This application was for the erection of 301no dwellings with associated access, open space, landscaping and drainage and ancillary infrastructure and ground remodelling on land West of Station Road, Newport, Shropshire


This application was before Committee as it required a financial contribution via a S106 Agreement.


The Planning Officer gave an overview of applications TWC/2021/0795 the residential application and TWC/2021/0796 the extra care facility which had been given consent in March 2021 and was on land east and west of Station Road. The land west of Station Road would be phase 1 of the application. The two outline applications had been brought before committee by Bloor Homes who owned the whole site and had re-addressed some of the site constraints.


Application TWC/2021/0795 was in relation to the 301no dwellings recommendation was for approval. With regard to the outstanding items such as the planting, woodland barrier along the A518 and the woodland maintenance contribution updated plans had now been submitted and discussions had taken place with the Tree Officers who were satisfied with a financial contribution being agreed in the sum of £25,000.


Councillor A Eade, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application. He acknowledged that the Applicants had accommodated suggestions but continued to raise concerns regarding the loss of a greenfield site, the major entrance to the town and the loss of the buffer, lack of Local Plan considerations, biodiversity in relation to Policy NE1 in relation to net gains and NE2 in relation to hedgerows, drainage and flood mitigation measures, lack of sustainable connectivity ie paths and cycleways. It was suggested that the £25,000 be used to eliminate the biodiversity loss and to supply extra screening to the area of Church Aston affected. It was also asked that although the neighbouring land may not be in Bloor Homes ownership that future planning applications being brought forward considered the issue of sustainable connectivity.


Councillor B Harper spoke against the application on behalf of Chetwynd Aston and Woodcote Parish Council praised the efforts made by the Applicant in respect of green space and sustainable solutions but raised concerns regarding the lack of priority for the most affected parish areas, highway safety, traffic impact and traffic survey, parking provision was less than the required standard, Pave Lane being used as a short cut and it was asked that traffic calming be provided to mitigate the hazards.


Mr P Degg, Applicant, spoke in favour of the application which was a carefully planned scheme and recommended for approval subject to conditions. There was a wealth of ecology and arboricultural/landscaping enhancements along the Hutchison Way which was great for local residents. An extra care facility was also proposed later on the agenda which contained a comprehensive S106 package of over £3m towards education, highways and infrastructure. There was an emphasis and commitment to the community which was a priority on all of Bloor Homes sites and they were keen to support community initiatives. The Application proposed to deliver 301 high quality new homes developed to the highest standard of design and sustainability.


The Planning Officer informed Members that outline planning permission had already been granted so the principle for development was established. Reserved matters on the outline planning permission could still come forward across the whole site and a current Reserved Matters application on the northern part of the site only was currently being held in abeyance pending the outcome of these applications. The points of access to Station Road and the A518 had been agreed at outline stage and the site layout showed the Hutchison Way retained as a green route. Negotiations had taken place regarding the hedgerows to the south east of the Extra Care site. The loss of the hedgerow along the A518 had been established at the outline permission but some would now be retained. The Tree Officer had requested species of trees to be used for planting and the loss of trees had now been reduced following the receipt of amended plans. With regard to connectivity along the A518 at Phase 2 of the outline consent, it had been costed out to reach up to half of the S106 highway contributions and would be difficult to accommodate from this application but this could be looked at during future stages of the development. A drainage strategy was in place as part of the outline consent and which would enable the delivery of the capacity on the site.


During the debate some Members asked if a restriction could be put on Phase 2 for the delivery of a footpath along the A518. Other Members were encouraged that Bloor Homes had listened to local residents and provided green areas to be kept together with the access to the Hutchison Way Public Right of Way, the good S106 package and it was asked that the 20% affordable housing came forward and be kept (rather than revised through subsequent claims of lack of viability) but it was felt that schools could not continue to be extended indefinitely and it was asked how the funds would be applied and to where. A crossing was also requested as it was a busy road with the 30mph speed restriction being extended to the sheep island, were the CCG consulted with regards to a doctors/dentist and the overloading of car parking within Newport and its infrastructure. Concerns were also raised regarding drainage and if this would be monitored.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the application already had outline permission but negotiations for a path could be made going forward as part of future developments on Phase 2 of the original outline consent if it comes forward as a new application for full planning permission. £1.5m was set aside for schools and feasibility studies were being undertaken with regard to a new school site and what capacity there was to build a new school. The 30mph speed restriction had not been included in the highway recommendations but this could be looked at going forward. With regard to contributions towards the highway, a puffin crossing had been suggested within the Newport Transport Model. There were 3-4 sites coming forward across Newport and the Section 106 contributions fed into these as part of a wider package of strategic measures.


The Drainage and Flood Risk Team Leader confirmed that there were attenuation ponds proposed on site which would connect to the run off to allow natural drainage. The impact has been assessed to see what measures the development could take and this had been based on sound methodology. There was currently no monitoring being undertaken as water was controlled into the Mere. Further details would come forward following the investigations. 


The Development Management Service Delivery Manager confirmed that whilst they could not put a restriction on the site for providing a public footpath along the A518 in Phase 2 of the outline consent as part of this application, although a direction could be made by Members in the wider sense to say this is what they wanted to see coming forward as part of future development on the Phase 2 site.


RESOLVED - that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to:


a)    The applicant/landowners entering into a Section 106 agreement with the Local Planning Authority (items ii) to ix) subject to indexation from the date of committee), relating to:


i)             On-site provision Affordable Housing (20%);


ii)            Financial Contribution towards primary & secondary education provision of £1,512,810 plus additional £667,166;


iii)          Financial Contribution towards off-site highway infrastructure of £449,061.89;


iv)          Financial Contribution towards public transport service enhancements of £584,829.19;


v)            Financial Contribution towards public transport infrastructure of £23,886.18;


vi)          Financial Contribution towards Public Rights of Way of £9,318.60;


vii)         Financial Contribution towards Travel Plan monitoring of £5,000.00 (residential only);


viii)       Financial Contribution towards Healthy Spaces of £185,250;


ix)          Financial Contribution towards maintenance of woodland for a 15-year period, replacement planting and up to 3no. surveys by an Arboricultural Surveyor - Figure TBC;


x)            S106 Monitoring Fee of £20,000 (1% of the total value of contributions, or capped at £20,000).


b)   submission of a replacement planting scheme to demonstrate that the habitat which is being removed along the A518 can be suitably mitigated in addition to the Financial Contribution;


c)    submission of plan confirming arrangements for protecting and maintaining the group of protected lime trees; and


d)   the conditions contained in the report and the update report.