Issue - decisions

Youth Justice Plan 2019/20

08/01/2020 - Youth Justice Plan 2019/20

Key Decision identified as Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 in the Notice of Key Decisions published on 4 December 2019.


Recommendation for Full Council – not subject to Call-in. 


Councillor S A W Reynolds, Cabinet Member: Children, Young People and Education presented the report of the Director: Children’s and Adult’s Services  which outlined the responsibilities of the West Mercia Youth Offending Service and presented the Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 for approval and endorsement to Council. 


It was noted that the Youth Justice Service was a youth justice partnership between the Local Authorities and NHS organisations across West Mercia, National Probation Service, West Mercia Police and the Office for the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner. Youth justice partnerships had a statutory duty to produce an annual youth justice plan which was prepared on behalf of Herefordshire Council, Shropshire Council, Telford and Wrekin Council and Worcestershire County Council.


The Youth Justice Plan for 2019/20 was prepared in May 2019 in line with the guidance issued by the Youth Justice Board (YJB), agreed at the West Mercia Youth Justice Service Management Board on 24 May 2019 and  submitted to the YJB at the end of July 2019.


The Youth Justice Plan set out how youth justice services across West Mercia were structured and funded and identified key actions to address identified risks to service delivery and improvement. Members noted the partnerships priorities for 2019/20 and commentary on the three national performance indicators for youth offending services (YOS). Performance against the indicators was outlined in the plan and actions identified to address risks to performance improvement. 


Members noted the twelve main priorities for 2019/20 which were detailed in the report and the actions being taken to address each priority.


RESOLVED that the Youth Justice Plan 2019/20 be RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL for approval and endorsement and that the West Mercia Youth Justice Service responsibilities be noted.