Issue - decisions

Review of list of local interest buildings

16/10/2019 - Celebrating Local Heritage - Local Interest Buildings

Non Key Decision


Councillor C Healy, Cabinet Member for Visitor Economy & The World Heritage Site presented the report of the Assistant Director: Business, Development & Employment which set out the Council’s commitment to celebrating and raising awareness of the many buildings in the borough which were valued by local communities and contributed to the character and distinctiveness of local areas, together with the Council’s work with local interest groups, Parish and Town Councils and the local community to support the preservation and interpretation of local heritage. 


As part of this commitment the Council would be producing an updated List of Buildings of Local Interest.  The current list which already included over 500 entries from across the Borough had not been reviewed since the 1980s and was therefore out of date and did not meet current good practice in terms of either designation or public involvement.


The aim of the list was to identify heritage assets which were valued by local communities and contributed to the sense of place and history of a local area. Inclusion on the list could be a material consideration in planning decisions ensuring that where change was proposed the heritage significance of the building or structure was considered and preserved - but did not pose the same statutory protection or constraints on development as a nationally Listing Building.


The process would begin with a consultation on the criteria to be used to consider buildings and structures for inclusion followed by consultation on what heritage assets should be included in the new List.  This would  provide ample opportunity for Ward Members, Parish and Town Councils, Local Interest Heritage and Interest Groups and members of the public to comment and put forward their proposals for inclusion.


The work over the coming months and the final List would also provide opportunities to promote and celebrate individual assets and locations, tell their stories and support work by local partners to protect and enhance local heritage.


Under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, the Assistant Director for Business, Development and Employment had authority to carry out the consultation procedure and make any amendments to the List of Buildings of Local Interest. 


Members expressed their support for the report and celebration of local heritage assets.


RESOLVED – that support be given to


(a)  Consultation to be carried out on the proposed set of criteria and review procedure for inclusion on the List of Buildings of Local Interest, as set out within this report;

(b)  Consultation to be carried out on the proposed List of Buildings of Local Interest;

(c)  After appropriate consultation and consideration of representations received, to apply the new criteria in the  production of a new List of Buildings of Local Interest and to publish and then refer to the new List in the application of Policy BE6 of the adopted Telford & Wrekin Local Plan 2011-31; and

(d)  After appropriate consultation and consideration of representations received, to apply the new criteria and review procedure in any future review, consultation, production and publication of a new List of Buildings of Local Interest.