Issue - decisions

TWC/2022/0596 Land adjacent & site of former Abacus Day Nursery, Main Road, Ketley Bank, Telford, Shropshire

15/03/2023 - TWC/2022/0596 Land adjacent & site of former Abacus Day Nursery, Main Road, Ketley Bank, Telford, Shropshire

This application was for the conversion of the existing buildings to form 7no. new dwellings and erection of 21no. new dwellings on land adjacent to and on the site of the former Abacus Day Nursery, Main Road, Ketley Bank, Telford, Shropshire.


The application was before Committee as it was a major planning application on a site owned by the council and contained a s106 agreement.


The Planning Officer informed Members that the premises was a non-designated heritage asset but was under review on the Council’s Local List Register  The proposal includes the introduction of dormers and roof lights, but it was felt that this created a low level of harm and this harm needed to be assessed against the public benefit of the scheme. The previous nursery facility was assessed and it was felt that there was acceptable community provision locally in other nurseries.  It met national space standards and had a contemporary approach to reflect the mix of local housing.  Access was to the north-west with a secondary access on site.  Car parking exceeded the parking standards.  An education contribution of £123,095 was sought together with Off-site Open Space Contributions of £33,800 and there would be a provision of 5 bungalows delivered on site for over 55s.


During the debate some Members welcomed the s106 contributions towards education and nearby play facilities and the improvement to the buildings which were in a bad state of repair.  Questions were raised as to why GP surgeries did not apply for s106 contributions and as Nuplace did not provide affordable rent properties, which provider would look after those units and why the Gower was listed in this application as alternative community space.  Some Members raised concerns regarding the insufficient private amenity space for several units and the footpath adjacent to plot 28.


The Planning Officer confirmed there were seven affordable houses for rent which were secured by a s106 agreement plus market rent housing.  The delivery of the affordable homes would be secured via the S106 should Nuplace not take on these units themselves. The Gower had been included as officers had to assess the loss of the community use and this facility was approximately one and a half miles away but would be walkable for some people.  The footpath next to plot 28 was not uncommon and this would be known when someone took up the rental and no mitigation would be required.  Some gardens did not meet the space standards as they were overshadowed by the group of trees and the useable amenity space reduced but on balance the whole scheme brought benefits and brought back the buildings into use.


Upon being put to the vote it was unanimously:


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development

Management Service Delivery Manager to grant Planning Permission subject to the following:


a)    The Applicant/Landowners entering into a Section 106 Agreement with the Local Planning Authority (items (i to vi) subject to indexation from the date of committee), relating to:


i)             Affordable dwellings (7 no. for Affordable Rent);


ii)            5 no. bungalows for over 55s;


iii)          Off-site Open Space Contributions of ££650 per dwelling for improvement to nearby play/recreation facilities and £650 per dwelling for improvements to nearby sport facilities);


iv)       Education Contributions of £123, 095


v)            Monitoring contributions at 2% of the value of the s.106; and


b)    The condition(s) and informative(s) contained within the report (with authority to finalise condition(s) to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).