This was a full planning application for the erection of a 33-unit care home (Use Class C2) with associated access, car parking and landscaping. Access to the site was from the existing access point from Woodside Avenue.
The care home was to provide specialist-nursing care for adults with complex needs. The applicant was Exemplar Healthcare, an existing care operator, providing specialist nursing care for adults living with a range of complex and high acuity needs.
The proposals met with the Specialist Accommodation Strategy and as such was considered compliant with Telford & Wrekin Council Local Plan policy.
The site was partly white land and partly green network. Because part of the site was green network, the application had been assessed against policy NE6 and was considered compliant due to the level of need for such a facility outweighing the harm to the green network.
The site would provide 36 car parking spaces. This was a shortfall of 10 spaces from the Telford & Wrekin Local Plan Parking Standards for an establishment of this type. The applicant had demonstrated that the number being provided was adequate showing usage at comparable sites.
The Committee was advised that development would result in biodiversity net loss. To offset this, there would be a financial contribution of £25,650 towards off-site biodiversity mitigation and a further £14,400 towards off-site tree replacement planting. There would also be a degree of planting on-site.
Members queried where the contributions detailed in the report would be used. In response, officers advised that there was no specific location but that the use of contributions was looked at strategically.
On being put to a vote, it was unanimously:
RESOLVED – that authority be delegated to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission subject to the following:
a) The Applicant/Landowners entering into a Section 106 Agreement with the Local Planning Authority (items (ii to iv) subject to indexation from the date of committee), relating to:
I. Financial Contribution of £19,640 towards off-site bus stop improvements on the northern and southern side of Woodside Avenue to provide each stop with a new 3 bay shelter and lighting;
II. Financial Contribution of £5,000 towards Travel Plan Monitoring;
III. Financial Contribution of £25,650 towards off-site Biodiversity Net Gain;
IV. Financial Contribution of £14,400 towards off-site Tree Replacement Planting;
V. Section 106 Monitoring Fee (1% of total value of contributions).
b) Submission of a replacement landscaping and planting scheme and boundary treatment scheme; in line with comments from the LPA.
c) The Condition(s) and Informative(s) (with authority to finalise Condition(s) to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager) contained within the report.