Agenda item

TWC/2021/1179 - Land at Hadley Quarry, Hadley Road, Hadley, Telford, Shropshire


This was a full application proposing the construction 186 dwellings, public open space, and a play area. Access would be from Hadley Road to the east, with pedestrian access proposed to the northwest corner of the site. The development was a mix of 2, 3, and 4 bedroom houses along with 2 bedroom bungalows. The applicant had agreed 25% affordable units.


The scheme was well designed and on the brownfield site of a former quarry. There was some tree loss associated with development; however, this would be mitigated by planting and usable public open space. There would also be an s106 agreement for tree replacement offsite. Other s106 improvements included highways, play areas, and schools.


An update to the plan had been received following the report’s publication. The applicant would provide each unit with an EV charge point.


Previous consent had been granted in 2011 but the scheme had not come forward.


Members posed a number of questions:

How close would the offsite play areas, benefiting from s106, be?

There was a play facility on site and the money offsite would be to facilities in the immediate area.


Why hadn’t the schools benefiting from s106 money been named?

They had not been named in this case as regulations did not require it. However, the money would be used within a 2 and 3-mile radius of the development.


Could the developer be asked to include solar panels?

While developers were encouraged to be energy efficient there was no policy requiring such measures to base a request on. Building regulations set out the energy efficiency required but this could be achieved in a number of ways.


Was there no space for trees on site?

To replace like-for-like was not possible, this was why there was a financial contribution to plant offsite. Smaller trees would be planted on site.


Upon being put to a vote, it was unanimously:


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission subject to the following:


A.        The following contributions to be agreed through a s.106 Agreement:


-           £65,100 (£350 per dwelling) towards improvements of nearby NEAP and play facilities;

-           £120,900 (£650 per dwelling) towards nearby sport and recreation facilities;

-           £879,364 Primary School Education Works within 2-mile radius;

-           £366,888 Secondary School Education Works within 3-mile radius;

-           £160,506.41 Strategic Highways Contribution;

-           £36,000 towards off site cycle/pedestrian route alongside Sommerfield Road;

-           £5,000 Travel Plan Monitoring;

-           £15,000 towards PRoW Works;

-           £225,420 towards off-site bio-diversity;

-           £56,800 Tree Replacement Standard


B.        Condition(s):

Time Limit - Full

Details of Materials

Landscape Design

Landscape Management (areas other than private gardens)

Highway Conditions (incl. (i) highway construction details works; (ii) parking and roads to be completed to each property prior to occupation; (iii) demolition/construction Management Plan; (iv) drainage solution for existing ditch adjacent Hadley Road; (v) provision of bus stops and (vi) submission of Travel Plan)

Highways details of pedestrian link to Waterloo Close

Drainage Conditions (incl. (i) Foul and Surface Water Scheme; (ii) Exceedance Routing and (iii) SUD’s Management)

Ecology Conditions (incl. (i) European protected species licence; (ii) bird and bat boxes; (iii) bio-diversity net gain plan; (iv) pre-commencement walkovers; (v) lighting plan; (vi) Work in accordance with protected species survey

Noise Survey Condition (work in accordance)

Tree Protection Implementation (in accordance with Arboricultural Method Statement)

Development in Accordance with Plans

Removal of PD rights for extensions to Plots 83-87




Supporting documents: