Agenda item

Councillor Questions On Notice

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.


NB      In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.



The following questions were asked under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.2:-


(a)       Councillor P J Scott asked the following question of Councillor L D Carter, Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services):


“Newport is suffering badly from a lack of parking spaces for residents, shoppers, workers, sixth formers, and visitors. There are simply not enough public parking spaces for the number of cars now needing a space.  This can only get worse as more houses are built on the periphery of the town.  Changes and improvement need to be made. Is the council willing to join me, the other three Borough Councillors and Newport Town Council to look at a 5-year plan to improve the parking situation in the Newport area?”


Councillor Carter responded that the Council had worked closely with ward Members and other stakeholders to create a parking plan for Newport. He noted that further work on this was ongoing and would likely require further consultation shortly.


Councillor Scott asked a supplementary question in relation to delays in producing Traffic Regulation Orders.


Councillor Carter stated that limiting parking in some areas often displaced the problem to other areas.



(b)       Councillor P J Scott asked the following question of Councillor L D Carter, Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services):


“Following on from the introduction of more rural buses by the council can we please have an update on the usage of the service? Is it showing to be a success or is usage lower than expected? If lower, what are the council doing to get more people using the service?”


Councillor Carter responded that the service had seen an increase in passengers using the service since their introduction. Councillor Carter noted his frustration that Central Government had continue to deny the opportunity for local Council’s to have greater control over their local bus services.


Councillor Scott asked a supplementary question in relation to communications in relation to the scheme.


Councillor Carter stated that more could always be done. A communications package had been planned for this month to highlight the service.


(c)        Councillor N A Dugmore asked the following question of Councillor N A M England, Cabinet Member: Finance, Customer Service & Governance:


“Can the Cabinet Member update Council on the measures the administration has put in place to mitigate against the impact of inflationary pressure on older residents of the Borough?”


Councillor England responded that many residents were paying the price for the economic failings of central government. Additional funding had been put in place to support Adult Social Care, on top of a comprehensive package of support for residents, such as Council Tax relief.


Councillor Dugmore asked a supplementary question regarding the proposed changes around Adult Social Care charges.


Councillor England stated that the consultation was ongoing and encouraged all residents to engage in the process.


(d)       Councillor S P Burrell asked the following question of Councillor E M Callear, Cabinet Member: Education, Employment & Visitor Economy:


“Can the Cabinet Member for Education justify to this Council the Administration’s decision to withdraw funding for denominational home to school transport?”


Councillor Callear responded that the current policy for school transport had been in place since 2020 and followed national statutory guidance. There is no statutory responsibility on Council’s to provide transport for children attending schools with a religious character but the Council did offer some discretionary support for children from low income families. The policy was in line with the majority of other authorities across the country. The Council provided various other schemes for families, such as subsidised bus routes, which had been specifically commissioned around school start and finish times.


Councillor Burrell asked a supplementary question regarding a particular family who had been denied transport.


Councillor Callear stated that she would look into this further if Councillor Burrell shared the details of this particular family.


(e)       Councillor W L Tomlinson asked the following question of Councillor L D Carter, Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services):


“Given there has been recent press coverage regarding the former Stoneyhill landfill, specifically the treatment of waste at the site and associated leachate, can the Cabinet Member please confirm what steps will be taken to investigate these concerns and provide assurance to residents that the site is safe.”


Councillor Carter responded that Stoneyhill was a former landfill which closed in 1991. Since then, the site had been actively managed by a specialist contractor with regular and extensive testing taking place.


Councillor Tomlinson asked a supplementary question in relation to the testing results.


Councillor Carter stated that the tests were undertaken by an independent, specialist laboratory, most recently in the last month.