Agenda item

TWC/2022/0170 Granville Landfill, Grange Lane, Redhill, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for the variation of Conditions 6 and 13 of planning permission W2006/0232 (Extension to existing landfill site by deepening and raising contour profile by about 2m and restoration of the site with variation to conditions 7.13 and 20 of planning consent Ref: MW/94/0424/WR) to allow the disposal of permitted wastes within the landfill area to continue until 31 December 2030 and to reduce the permitted daily limit of waste to 1350 tonnes at Granville Landfill, Grange Lane, Redhill, Telford, Shropshire.


This application was before Planning committee at the request of Donnington and Muxton Parish Council and Councillor V Fletcher, Ward Councillor.


Additional representations had been received which noted a series of observations in relation to no local need, successful local recycling with zero going to landfill, clarification was sort where the waste was from, the permit on the site and its closure for a period of time, loss of value to local houses, the need to focus on incineration and the pyramid system and it was against the Human Rights Act 1998.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the loss of value to local houses were not a material planning consideration and there was no evidence to support this.  Landfill remained an important part of the hierarchy when no other option was available and it was considered there was still a need for this to continue.


Councillor A Lawrence, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding the impact on the new residential area, it was land rise and not land fill, inappropriate location and an eyesore, loss of value to local properties and the expectation that the permit would be coming to an end and the land reverted back to a nature reserve, continual requests for extensions and the impact on the local environment.


Councillor V Fletcher, adjoining Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and raised concerns that this application went against policies within the Telford Local Plan, the need for the site, traffic flow along the access route, nearby construction site and vehicular traffic movements, the request for a 5 year extension but the site had only been closed for 2 years, impact on local residents, the lack of an impact assessment, noise and disturbance, smells, fumes and vermin on the site.


Ms H Howard, a member of the public, spoke against the application and raise concerns that this application went against policy and she felt it was detrimental to the local area, the lack of established need within Telford and Wrekin, the impact of land raise, the site was an eyesore, the contouring of the site, the operation should have ceased in 2021 and reverted back to the Granville Country Park, the extension was not viable, landfill should be a last resort and this was a blight on the landscape with no local need.


Ms G Daintith, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application and explained that as the site was closed for two years the annual tonnage would need to increase.  The site was not expected to reach capacity and it would close in 2025, the site was a strategic resource, the northern area of the site had been restored, there were no technical objections to the site and the variations did not impact on the permitted permission on landfill activities.  There would be no additional traffic on the highway network and it was a recognised waste facility.  The site operated under an Environment Agency permit and controls were in place in relation to noise and odour and the application was compliant with policies.


The Planning Officer explained to Members that there were clear and valid reasons for the operation to continue for a further five years and if the extension was refused the operator could not comply with the conditions on the existing site.  There was no impact on future or existing residents ad there were no changes or increase to the types of waste on the site which had already been approved and the operation was controlled by the Environment Agency and this was not for Members consideration.  There were no material changes to the application and approval would allow for satisfactory completion of the site.


During the debate some Members raised concerns regarding odours from the site and impact on local residents and the highway network.  Other Members raised concerns regarding the majority of waste was brought in from outside of the Borough and if this was a strategic resource for the local area, the additional height and the impact on the contours of the site, the climate change emergency and the impact on the Council’s omissions targets.  Further concerns were raised regarding the raising of the profile, the proximity to local housing developments and the lack of benefit to the local area.  It was asked if the timescale could be reduced down from five years if requested and why the site hand been closed, what had caused the delay, where the waste had been taken during its closure, should Telford and Wrekin be taking on waste from other local councils, would the site ever meet the figures if the waste sinks down and would there be a need for further extensions on the site.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the surrounding residential areas had been identified for a significant period of time within the local plan and officers were mindful that these could come forward whilst the site was still in operation.  It was difficult to confirm where the waste came from and how it was processed as this came through a waste transfer station in Welshpool but waste was from the borough as well as other authorities and that there was still a need for landfill and the site at Granville was meeting that demand.   A full restoration of the site would be undertaken but there was presently and undersupply of waste to the site and the application did not seek to increase the height or contouring but that the wording of the condition was in reference to the original application in 2006 and the site could be monitored in order to review the contour.  With regard to extensions of time to the site, each application would be considered on its own merits.


The Legal Advisor advised Members that the site was bound by the decision that was made in 2006 in relation to the contouring and the height of the site and this could not be exceeded or it would be a breach of conditions.  The site was subject to a restoration and contouring plan.  The use of landfill was still valid and some weight had to be given to that and with regard to the impact on residents, this would have been taken into consideration and weighed up appropriately.   Members could reduce the timescale if they felt this appropriate.


Following the debate it was moved and seconded that the application be deferred in order that officers could undertake discussions with the applicant in relation to these concerns. 


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVED – that the application be deferred in order that officers could undertake discussions with the applicant in relation to where the waste came from and how it was processed, how long would the loading take place and would it sink down, would it have reached the limit by 2030, would it be like that a further extension would be requested in 2025, whey did they not operate for a two year term and where was the waste taken.

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