This application was for the erection of 4no. industrial units (Use Class B2/B8) with ancillary offices, associated parking, service yards and landscaping on land West of Melitta UK Ltd, Hortonwood 45, Hortonwood, Telford, Shropshire.
This application was a major application and required a S106 agreement and was before Members for determination.
An update report was tabled at the meeting which contained details of the removal of a small area of land from the application boundary as it was included within the application in error and fell outside of the applicant’s ownership. It also gave details in relation to the highway network, noise and the lighting scheme.
The Planning Officer informed Members that this application fell within the area allocated for employment purposes and was for a 24/7 operation for manufacturing, storage and distribution. A revised plan had been submitted. Financial contribution towards biodiversity and off-site replacement of trees were sought and there were no technical objections. A noise impact assessment had been undertaken together with a transport assessment and a financial contribution was sought towards the strategic highway network.
During the debate some Members felt that this was an industrial unit on an industrial estate and although they were saddened by the loss of trees, replacement trees would be planted elsewhere and it was asked if there was any location set aside for this, it was a good news story and could be fully supported. Other Members felt that although semi-mature trees were being planted the loss of trees would be felt for some years, the statement of support for solar panels was welcomed and this should be included on every new industrial building and in relation to the landscape strategy plan would more trees be taken out. Further concerns were raised regarding the detrimental impact on resident from noise on a 24/7 operation and if acoustic fencing could be installed to protect residential amenity and the impact on the local highway network, could contributions be sought towards a local bus network
The Planning officer did not currently have a location for the replacement trees but confirmed that the landscape strategy would be conditioned and that officers had worked with the applicant to ensure there was screening for residents and a buffer and a bunding on site. Contributions towards a bus route could not currently be requested as this was undertaken as a private entity and there was not stipulation currently in the local plan to require developers to install solar panels.
The Legal Advisor informed Members that the installation of solar panels could be fed into the Local Plan when it was due for renewal.
Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:-
RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission subject to the following:
a) The following Contributions to be agreed through a s.106 Agreement:
· £184,519.18. towards the Strategic Highway Network;
· £58,800 towards footway/cycleway linkages;
· £5,000 towards Travel Plan Monitoring;
· £5,000 towards Traffic Regulation Orders;
· £84,800 towards Tree Replacement;
· £41,000 towards Biodiversity Net Gain;
· Financial Contribution s.106 Monitoring Fee (1% of total s.106 Contributions)
b) The conditions and Informatives set out in the report and the update report (with authority to finalise conditions to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).
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