This was a retrospective application for a change of use from office/storage to a holiday let at Rushmoor Lodge, Rushmoor Lane, Telford, Shropshire TF5 0DA
This Application had been referred to Planning Committee at the request of Councillor J Seymour.
Councillor J Seymour, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and gave a brief history of the site. The stables and office store area included domestic features such as a balcony and kitchen contrary to policy HO10. She raised concerns that this application was previously turned down and was now before Members for approval and this could set a precedent. Concerns were raised regarding surface water drainage and incorrect paperwork, and that the application was contrary to Policy BE1.
Mr G Moss, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application which was for a rural activity. All businesses change or evolve after time and the change of use was a logical step forward for an evolving successful business. It was a facility that worked with the business and was not a new or separate enterprise on the site. There was a right to drain which came with the original sale and full approval of the drainage work had been approved by the Council and he asked that the application be approved.
The Planning Officer informed Members that objections had been received regarding the principle of the development; the need for the accommodation; highways; biodiversity and drainage. With regard to setting a precedent, the application was subject to a condition which allowed occupation for no more than four consecutive weeks per year and future applications would be judged on their own merits. There were no comments from Highways. In relation to drainage, the conditions had been discharged in February 2022 and the legal right to discharge water over adjoining land was not one that Planning Committee could take into account as it was a civil matter.
During the debate some Members felt they could fully support the application. Other Members did not like retrospective applications and asked what the splits for residential purposes would be and if there were issues with the drainage and the septic tank.
The Planning Officer informed the Members that there was a split of accommodation across the existing caravan which was a workers dwelling with the rest used for storage and stable purposes. There would be no weight given from the holiday let if an application came forward to a conversion to a permanent dwelling. With regard to drainage, it was more about the water entering into the watercourse and crossing third party land. There was a septic tank on site but surface water was going into the watercourse.
Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:
– that delegated authority be
granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to
grant planning permission subject to the following:
a) The conditions contained within the report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager)
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