Agenda item

TWC/2021/1201 - Site of former Stirchley Recreation Centre, Grange Avenue, Stirchley, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for the erection of a 67no. bed extra care home with associated open space, landscaping, car/cycle parking, service infrastructure (drainage, highway, lighting) and engineering operations on the site of former Stirchley Recreation Centre, Grange Avenue, Stirchley, Telford, Shropshire.


As the Council was the current landowner and this was a major application it was a requirement  that Planning Committee determine the application.


The Planning Officer informed Members that all units were compliant with NDSS standards and the development included sustainable construction with solar panels and electric charging points.


During the debate some Members felt this was a big development and asked if the windows overlooking the nursery would be opaque or frosted.  They welcomed the electric charging points and solar panels but felt the parking provision was barely adequate and raised concerns regarding the traffic survey.  They further queried why there was a three bedroom apartment and where the bay for emergency vehicles was and the reference to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).


The Planning Officer confirmed that the windows overlooking the nursery were not habitable rooms although this was corrected but that they were of sufficient distance at 9.5m to preserve privacy it was noted that the nursery submitted no comments in relation to the application. There were 4 electric car charging points in front of the communal gardens. Reference to CIL was in reference to a test in relation to developer contributions and to govern whether contributions through S106 could be sought. Ambulance bay was not a dedicated space and had access outside the entrance in front of the disabled spaces. 


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVED – that Delegated Authority be granted to the Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to:


a)    The conditions contained within the report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager)



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