To receive Healthwatch Telford & Wrekin’s presentation on the Urgent Care Survey and Children’s Mental Health Survey
MentalHealth CrisisServices forChildren &Young PeopleSurvey Report
The Board heard that Children's mental health had been a concern for a number of years but had been highlighted by the findings of the CQC report of the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) in February 2021. Healthwatch’s key findings were broken down by those identified by children and the adults surveyed. Amongst the five children and young people surveyed, the main issueshighlighted were access andwaiting times, changesto staffand relationships with professionals. Adults surveyed additionally identified issues with assessment and diagnosis, discharge and on-going support and communication and value placed on the parent/carer's views. It was also notedthat healthcareprofessionals hadhighlighted complexneed asa further area of concern.
The Boardheard thatthe evidencein thereport indicatedthat awhole system response was required and that it was hoped that the Integrated Care Board made this a priority.
Members thanked Healthwatch for their report and noted that it was great to see attention paid to the voices of children and parents using these services andoffered theirfull support.They agreedthat awhole systemapproach was requiredas itseffect waswide reaching. Membershighlighted thatthe lackof tier 4 beds resulted in patients spending more time in A&E, causing further strain there.
During the debate, Members raised the need for a focus on early intervention andsupport tobe provided.It wasagreed thatthe reportbe addedto boththe Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee and the Health Scrutiny Committee work programmes for further review.
Urgent CareSurvey Report
The Board heard that the Urgent Care Survey report was a joint report prepared in conjunction with Shropshire Healthwatch. This was the second time they had undertaken the survey at the request of the CCG due to the concerns raised surrounding access to urgent care. Of the 181 responses received, 80 of those were residents of Telford & Wrekin. The resultsindicated thata higherthan averageproportion ofpeople underthe TelDoc PCN contacted their GP as afirst point of contact, whereas around 60% of people from the Wrekin and Newport areas contacted 111 first. A number of concerns raised through the Survey related to the first pointof contact suggestinghow importantit wasto getit right.Members heard that the evidence regarding outcomes indicated that NHS 111 did work better in Telford & Wrekin than in Shropshire, yet the majority of those whoanswered the survey responded that the 111 service was ‘very poor’. Of those who indicated that the service was ‘very poor’, a large number cited long wait times as the reason. It was found that, when issues were not addressed in a timely manner, respondents were then calling 999 or attending A&E. It was also noted that a number of respondents were not aware that same day appointments could be booked through 111, greater public awareness of this was required.
It was agreed that questions on this item and the item regarding Key System Pressures Update would be taken together as they were contextually linked.
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