Agenda item

TWC/2020/0358 Land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire


This application was for a three year siting of mobile home with modifications to existing access to support the Livery on land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire


The Application was before Committee at the request of Councillor A Eade.


Members had attended a site visit on the afternoon prior to the meeting.


The Area Team Planning Manager presented applications TWC/2020/0356 and TWC/2020/0358 which both related to land opposite Woodside Farm, Kynnersley Drive, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire.


Lilleshall Parish Council had submitted a statement.  This had been received after the deadline for additional information, but the statement broadly outlined, highways, policy TA1 of the Lilleshall Neighbourhood Plan, a conflict with Design Policy B1, Policy LE2 in relation to ecology and landscape and the Wealdmoors was a strategic area.  Kynnersley Drive was in the Parish of Lilleshall and the development was on the boundary, concerns regarding the public right of way through the site, the gate and hedgerow fronting the land and the impact of nearby residential properties.


Councillor A Eade spoke against the application which was within the strategic landscape area, it went against the Lilleshall Neighbourhood Plan which controlled appropriate development.  A mobile home was not acceptable and did not pay due regard to the area and what it stood for.  He felt that running this type of business on 8½ acres was not viable and raised concerns regarding the drainage to the field which was wet and boggy.  The horses would cause damage and uproot grass and it was felt it was not needed and not necessary and the development was situated in the wrong place.


Ms K Lutner spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding the siting of the mobile home that was a distance from the livery.  The livery could be monitored via a security camera and it was not felt accommodation was required on site.   The proposed site was not within the curtilage of the development some 10 acres away.  It was only necessary for a person to be 30 minutes away and lots of businesses had a reliance on cameral.  Affordable rented accommodation was available nearby.  She raised concerns regarding the effect on the Wealdmoors and asked that the damage be contained to one area rather than the whole field, the access, the road and parking for the mobile home, impact of wildlife the nitrates, the sites may be sold later for development, it was against the NPPF and she supported the views of the local community who wished for the application to be refused.


Mr A Lane, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application that this was for accommodation for the owners of the site to care for the horses within the livery on the previous application that Members had approved.  A cattery and kennels had recently been approved and a rural workers dorma bungalow completed.  The proposed accommodation was a small scale mobile home for a period of three years to help establish the viability of the business and had less impact on the rural area.  A specialist independent report had been undertaken which suggested that accommodation was required on site to provide the highest level of care for the horses.  There were no objections on ecology or landscape grounds and he welcomed approval of the application.


The Area Team Planning Manager addressed Members that the siting of the mobile home was temporary for a three year period and would be accessed by a gravel track to support the approval of the previous application for the Livery.  Additional information had been received regarding the design and the drainage scheme and had been out for re-consultation.  The design met the exceptional criteria in HO10 which was for use as a rural worker and an agricultural assessment had been submitted.  If the business was successful after the three years a more permanent solution would the sought.  I was in the strategic area of Wealdmoors but had no significant detrimental impact on local amenity and brought diversification to the rural economy.


During the debate, some Members understood it was necessary to have the mobile home on site but queried if it should be closer to the livery and if that had been considered.  Other Members raised concerns with regard to the possibility of being asked to determine a permanent dwelling after the three years and that the drainage was a problem.  The strategic site of the Wealdmoors needed to be protected and it was not necessary to have workers living on the site.


The Area Planning Team Manager confirmed that it had been necessary to strike a balance in order to position the mobile to be screened by the hedgerow and to limit its visual impact.  It was for a temporary period of three years and it should be assessed on its merits now and not what will come in the future.  In terms of monitoring the horses, the applicants would be alerted by cameras and alarms.  With regard to drainage, the mobile home had its own drainage strategy separate to that of the livery and it had been deemed appropriate by the Drainage Engineers.  Foul sewerage had also been accepted by Officers via a biotreatment plant.


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:-


RESOLVED –delegated authority be granted to the Development

Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission

subject to the conditions contained in the report (with authority to

finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to

Development Management Service Delivery Manager).


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