Agenda item

TWC/2021/0722 - Former Youth Centre, Gower Street, St Georges, Telford, Shropshire


This application was a full application for the erection of 10no. new dwellings and the conversion of the existing listed building to provide 3no. new dwellings (Use Class C3), community facility (Use Class F2 (b)) and Parish Council Offices (Use Class E(g)) together with associated landscaping at the Former Youth Centre, Gower Street, St Georges, Telford, Shropshire.


Councillor I Fletcher left the meeting for items TWC/2021/0722 and TWC/2021/0724.


The Planning Officer addressed Members that this application was for full and listed consent for the renovation of the northern wing, central entrance area and the southern wing and secured funds to relocate the existing play area on the site of the Women’s Institute Building on the opposite end of Albion Street but that the application did involve the removal of the community garden.   The building was unsafe to use in its current state.


Mr A Gaut, member of the public, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding the restoration of the building for the benefit of the community, impact on neighbouring properties, loss of sunlight, overdevelopment, removal of the play area, lack of public consultation, limited school places, the impact on the local doctors surgery, reduced community activities as a community hub and limited use for refreshments and the lack of an outdoor play area.


The Planning Officer informed Members that there had been several interested parties who wished to speak but in accordance with the Council’s adopted public speaking policy had been unable to do so. .These included representatives of the Gower Heritage Enterprise Foundation, St Georges Community Group and Mr Edwards.


These representations wished to state that the development was best suited as a community facility for the wellbeing of the local community without housing and for the social and economic benefit of its surroundings and that it required a fully fitted play park and outdoor space.  Concerns were raised that sustainability and the Climate Change Action Plan had been ignored, open spaces were to be demolished, there was a lack of a sustainable business plan and that the community had been excluded from the engagement process with stakeholders, it was an asset of community value, the trees had not been protected, an unviable scheme, loss of community use was not outweighed by the improvements, impact on the designated heritage asset which needed special regard and to be preserved as a listed building and its setting and its unacceptable impact. The Officer advised that Members had also viewed the proposal from Mr and Mrs Gaut’s property, 83 Albion Street, on the afternoon of the meeting. The Officer advised that there had been no objections from technical consultees and the officers recommendation remained the same that full consent and listed building consent should be granted.


The Legal advisor addressed the Members that as Cllr J Jones arrived late to the meeting and had not been in the meeting for the whole of the discussion she would be unable to take part in the vote.


During the debate some Members felt concerned that the building was in such a poor state following vandalism and neglect and that if no action was taken soon the building may not be saved and accepted that the housing on site mitigated the enormous costs it would take, the contribution towards the play area was welcomed although the siting of the play area some ¾ of a mile away meant there would be a loss of the play facility in that part of St Georges.  Concerns were raised regarding the two projecting blocks of houses close to the boundary, the height, the number of units in close proximity to the neighbours, the front doors to units 1, 2 and 3 were at the rear with parking to the front and it was requested that the design be reviewed to low rise or bungalows with the play area incorporated within the site.  Other Members felt that although they understood the sentiment of the beautiful grade II listed building that economics were a big factor and the viability had to be taken into consideration and it was necessary to consider it was good value for money and had all options been exhausted.  Further comments from Members were that the building couldn’t wait for funding to come forward and that it needed to be secured now as it was currently an eyesore.  It was about sustainability and creating spaces for future generations and at some point a decision for change would have to be made.  It was with great reluctance that some Members felt they would have to accept the plans as there was no alternative in place.


The Planning Officer explained to Members that the scheme, even with the residential units, was still marginally unviable.  The Gower Heritage Foundation had tried to secure monies but it could only be assumed that the level of funding had not been reached as an offer had not been put forward at this stage.


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOVLED– that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission

subject to:


a)        The applicant/landowners submitting a Memorandum of

understanding (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to the following:


i)             Education contribution of:


                   - Primary £40,121 (towards education facilities within two  

                     miles of the development),  and

                   - Secondary £17,100 (expansion of Telford Langley School);


ii)            Children’s Play/Recreation contribution of £50,000.00 towards provision within 1km of the development;


iii)          Monitoring of Memorandum of Understanding contribution

                    of £2,344.42.


b)      The conditions contained in the report


(with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).


Supporting documents: