Agenda item

TWC/2021/0557 - Site of Woodhouse Farm, Woodhouse Lane, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire


This Application was for the erection of 16no. dwellings with associated garages and the conversion of the existing farmhouse and barn into 5no. dwellings on the site of Woodhouse Farm, Woodhouse Lane, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire.


Councillor V Fletcher, Ward Member, had requested that this application be determined by the Planning Committee.


Councillor V Fletcher spoke in favour of the application as the Grade II listed building and the outbuildings had fallen into disrepair with difficult terrain, trees and vegetation.  She was pleased to see that the farmhouse and barn would be brought back into use and there would be an eco gain with no net biodiversity loss due to landscape and habitat with a wildflower and wildlife area, bat boxes and 79 trees and hedgerows.  The sycamore tree had also been saved.  It was asked that a traffic management plan and construction plan be in place prior to permission being granted in order to prevent disruption to nearby businesses.  She raised concerns with regard to the access road and the 4 way junction at Castle Farm Way and that S106 contributions in relation to primary and secondary education be spent in Priorslee and the attendance area. 


Mr R Perrins, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application and explained that the current scheme was compliant with policies, retained the trees and met highway safety.  The cycle route and pedestrian access would be improved by dedicated footways to access the road and provide a safe route to connect the adjacent sites.  The construction access would not adversely affect business and a traffic management plan would be provided.  There would be an inspection of the trees with important trees being retained with wildflowers and landscape management.  The biodiversity and ecology had been assessed and adequate measure had been put in place that went beyond what was expected.  The listed farmhouse and barn would be renovated to high quality family homes which met planning policy.  Contributions towards education, sports facilities, drainage and the enhancement of the existing pond into a focal point would be secured through a S106 Agreement.


The Planning Officer responded to Councillor V Fletcher’s concerns regarding the construction management plan and with regard to the access to the adjacent garden centre and farm shop would be maintained via a pre-commencement condition.


The Planning Area Team Manager addressed the concerns of Councillor V Fletcher with regard to the proposed education contributions which were in line with current policies and assured the Committee that the money would be appropriately spent but that further dialogue would be undertaken to ensure that the 3 mile radius was still appropriate.


During the debate, some Members raised concerns with regard to the granting of delegated power to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to negotiate conditions that Members may not agree to if there was a change in circumstances, the 3 mile radius with regard to the contribution towards primary and secondary education and this should be within the designated attendance zones or reduced to within a 2 mile radius and that the conditions with regard to drainage, ecology highways and the construction management plan should be listed as set out in the report at paragraphs 5.11, 5.14 and 5.15 of the report.  Other Members felt that as a construction plan was in place and the local businesses would not be impeded that the application was acceptable.  It was further raised that vehicles were using the National Cycle Route 81 illegally.  Further comments were that the development was welcomed as it was protecting the businesses and the cycle routes were being preserved, it was asked if the enhancement of the sports facilities could be protected within a 1 mile radius for those people who would like on the development.  Some Members raised concerns that if conditions were not stuck to could it be brought back to Committee and who would monitor the conditions.


The Development Management Service Delivery Manager explained that in terms of S106 contributions there was a test set out in legislation and policy adopted by the Council on education funding and if S106 monies were not spent within the timeframe they would have to be returned to the developer.  It was difficult to set time limits and be restrictive with the contributions in order that the children got the funding that was needed.  With regard to sports facilities this was more strategic across the Borough as advised by the Healthy Spaces Officer.  In terms of delegated authority if the S106 conditions highlighted could not be settled, the application would be brought back to Committee and this would be monitored by the Service Delivery Manager and the Team.  Any breaches of S106 were followed up.


The Planning Officer confirmed to Members that officers were aware of the issue relating to the cycle route and it was being closely monitored.

Councillor I Fletcher moved an amendment to the recommendation which was seconded in that with regards to the £65,382 primary school education works that this be within the attendance area for Priorslee Primary School and the additional school which would be coming forward in approximately 2-3 years.  With regard to secondary education contribution of £44,972 that this be for education works at Holy Trinity Academy.


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority refused and the amendment to the recommendation failed.


The Original recommendation was moved and seconded and upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager for full planning permission to be granted subject to:


a)    The applicants/landowner entering into a Section 106 agreement with the Local Planning relating to the following (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager):


           - £10,400 Play and Recreation Works in the locality of the   


           - £10,400 Enhancement of Sports Facilities in the locality of the


           - £65.382 Primary School Education Works within 3 miles radius;

- £44,972 Secondary School Education Works within 3-mile


- £2623 S.106 Monitoring Fee; and


b)   The conditions contained in the report


(with authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).


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