This was a full application for the erection of 233 no dwellings, a 76-unit Care Home (Use Class C2), 20 unit supported accommodation and associated works.
The development comprised of three distinct parcels of land bounded by trees and fencing. There were no heritage assets on site, the site was not within a Conservation Area and had a flood risk rating of 1, the lowest level of flood risk. An adopted footpath ran through the site to Granville Park.
The application was for 233 dwellings, 76 Care Home units, 20 units of supported accommodation, and areas of public open space, access, drainage and associated works. Of the 233 units, 90 would be let at affordable rates. Across the development, there would be 596 car parking spaces
A series of public representations had been received on a variety of issues. Donnington and Muxton Parish Council welcomed the development but noted concerns. No technical objections had been received.
Councillor A Lawrence, Ward Member, spoke against the application. Councillor Lawrence accepted development but raised concerns regarding overdevelopment.
Mr S Thompson, Director of Development at the Wrekin Housing Group, spoke in favour of the application, noting the number of affordable units proposed, and stated that the extra care facility and supported living units would meet the needs of local residents.
The Planning Officer informed Members that the Parish Council’s neighbourhood development plan was broadly supportive of this residential development. The traffic works raised by the public speakers were separate from the application but were suitable for the development.
Affordable housing had been subject to a viability appraisal and was deemed unviable. The Authority’s understanding was that the applicant was seeking affordable housing outside of the planning process.
Members discussed the application and it was confirmed that each dwelling would have dedicated, on plot parking, all of which would include electric vehicle charging points.
Members noted their disappointment in respect of the lack of affordable housing, however, it was noted that discussions were in progress with the applicant, Homes England and a local housing trust.
On being put to the vote, it was, by a majority:
RESOLVED – That delegated authority be granted to the Delivery Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission subject to:
A) The applicant/landowners entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to:
(i) £109,953 towards local highway infrastructure improvements, in accordance with the Telford Transport Growth Strategy;
(ii) £98,700 towards the upgrade of footpath routes in Granville Country Park, in accordance with the emerging Green Routes Strategy;
(iii) Primary School Education £600,002.00;
(iv) Secondary School Education £262,598.00;
(v) POS @ £650 per 2-bed property - £138,450;
(vi) £10,365.04 towards Great Crested Newt District Licencing;
(vii) £15,050 Contribution towards Net Gain off-site.
B) The Conditions and informatives as set out in the report (with authority to finalise Conditions to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).
Supporting documents: