Agenda item

TWC/2020/1087 - Site of Fernlea, Barrack Lane, Lilleshall, Newport, Shropshire


The application was for two dwellings and the conversion of a single bungalow into two bungalows. Parking provision was in line with standards and protection around trees on the site was proposed.


A site visit had taken place earlier that day.


Councillor A Eade, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application and raised concerns regarding scale, impact during construction and access.


Councillor D Shaw, a Member of the Parish Council, spoke against the application and raised concern in respect of the proposals being out of character with the local area, access and parking

Mr P Hill, a member of the public, spoke against the application and raised concerns in respect of access, parking and visibility.


Mr A Williams, the Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application. He stated that amendments had been made to the scheme and there had been no objection from Highways. Objections had been received in respect of the development, which were in the main related to the development being out of keeping with the area and amenity detriment. The scale of the development had been reduced and the design revised. The development respected the character of the lane and a tracking exercise had demonstrated that vehicles could access the road. He added that there may be some scope to move the plots back a couple of feet to make more space for vehicles using the road.


In regards to the Lilleshall Neighbourhood Development Plan, Officers confirmed that the proposals were not contrary to the plan.


Members requested that the delegation be reworded to reflect the desire of the Committee that the car parking spaces be moved, in line with the comments of the Applicant’s Agent.


On being put to the vote, it was, by a majority: 


RESOLVED - that delegated authority be granted to the Delivery Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission subject to amendments for the relocation of car parking spaces and the set back of the dwellings, and to finalise conditions and informative contained within the report.

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