Agenda item

TWC/2020/0347 - Former Dun Cow Public House, New Street, Dawley, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for the erection of a 77 bedroom Care Home (Use Class C2), erection of a 1.8m retaining wall and creation of a new access and car park at the former Dun Cow Public House, New Street, Dawley, Telford, Shropshire.


This application had been referred to Planning Committee as it involved a S106 Agreement.  Negotiations had also taken place to agree the type of accommodation proposed and it was agreed that this should be secured by a condition and not within the S106 clause.


Mr Barker, the applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application and explained that although issues had been identified with the parking provision, the nature and character of its intended use had not been confirmed.   The development was in a good locations and within the nature and character of the local centre and located on two local bus routes.  It was supported by a work place travel plan and the spaces were considered sufficient to meet the peak demand and visitors in a sustainable way under the NPPF and the Local ‘Plan.  Its proposed designation was for nursing are specialist and supported the Accommodation Strategy 2020-2025.  Staffing remained the same as the 2013 consent and was balanced scale development.   The development also included rebuilding and repositioning a length of retaining wall and an additional length of footpath.


The Planning Officer advised Members that the scale and design of the development was considered appropriate and measures were in place to protect the tree on site during construction.  There were no objections from Highways and 19 parking spaces were considered acceptable as the staff survey demonstrated a lower requirement due to its proximity to local free car parks and on balance the proposed benefits outweighed the potential shortfall in car parking.    A S106 agreement for financial contributions towards sports facilities had been agreed and a clause relating to the high level nursing care would be removed as this was not recognised by the CQC to enable the care home to be registered.  A condition would be added to agree that this would be a nursing care nursing home.


During the debate some Members felt that the development was welcomed and would support the recommendation to approve and the rebuilding of the retaining wall and the additional piece of footpath.  Other Members raised some concerns regarding the extension to the Langley School and the shortfall in the car parking, the ambulance bay was too far from the entrance and the bin store was positioned in the wrong place. 


Upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-


RESOLVED – that in respect of planning application TWC/2020/0347 that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission subject to the following:

a)        The following contributions to be agreed through a s.106 Agreement (with authority to finalise the planning obligations to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager):

- £50,000 towards development in respect of recreation and community facilities in the area

b)        The conditions contained within the report (with authority to finalise Conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).

Supporting documents: