Agenda item

Tree Preservation Order

Borough of Telford & Wrekin (Group of Trees at 6-9 Hobbs Crescent, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY) Tree Preservation Order 2020


The Committee considered the report of the Assistant Director: Policy & Governance which sough confirmation of a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO) (Borough of Telford & Wrekin (Group of Trees at 6-9 Hobbs Crescent, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY) Tree Preservation Order 2020. The report detailed an objection received from the owner of 10 Hobbs Crescent property expressing concerns regarding two stumps which had previously been cut down which were in poor condition and were within bushes and surrounded by litter and a rebuttal by the Tree and Woodlands Officer together with photographs that had been circulated to member prior to the Committee meeting.


The Legal Advisor outlined the process and the Tree and Woodland Officer explained the background to the making of the Provisional Order.  The objection to the Order appeared to be regarding Trees G1 and G2 which had already been cut down to stumps, rather than the Group of Trees. Members were advised that the focus in this case should be on amenity value.  If members were minded to confirm the Order the property owner could apply for consent to lop, prune or fell the protected trees at any time.


Mr Wallace explained to Members that the trees had grown very large and the TPO came through after the tress had been cut back.  They wished to take ownership of the area containing the two tree stumps as this area had not been kept in a good state, there was a lot of debris and a rat infestation.  Once they had secured the land it would make this area much brighter and better for residents and he asked that the two trees (G1 and G2) to be excluded from the TPO.


The Tree and Woodlands Officer addressed Members and explained that the two trees (G1 and G2) had been 8 and 9 metres high in 2014 and were retained through the Planning Applications in 2014 and 2015 and appeared on the 1882 map.  Since they had been cut they had begun to regenerate and given another 100 years they would be similar in nature to that when they were felled.  The trees had previous not been subject to a TPO as the trees had not been under threat.  The Tree and Woodlands Officer had been contacted by the local Management Committee and asked to protect the two tree stumps and the remaining trees for future amenity value.


Members noted the concerns of the Tree and Woodlands Officer and the objector.  Some Members felt that as the trees had already been so heavily cut back it was difficult to protect the stumps and the area may remain a blight.    A motion was put forward that the order be confirmed in respect of trees G3-G10 but modified to exclude trees G1 and G2. 


The Legal advisor confirmed that as a Committee, Members could confirm the order with modifications.


The motion to confirm trees G3-G10 but exclude trees G1 and G2 was proposed and seconded and upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVED – that Borough of Telford & Wrekin (Group of Trees at 6-9 Hobbs Crescent, Wellington, Telford TF1 1RY) Tree Preservation Order 2020 be confirmed with the modification that trees G1 and G2 be removed from the Tree Preservation Order.


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