Agenda item

TWC/2020/0410 - Site of Doseley Industrial Estate, Frame Lane, Doseley, Telford, Shropshire


This application sought full planning permission for the erection of 48 dwellings on land at Doseley Industrial Estate, Doseley and was referred to Planning Committee as a section 106 is required to secure financial contributions and affordable housing.


Cllr Hopkins – Parish Council Representative spoke against this application. He raised concerns that the site was not disused and there were businesses still trading on the industrial estate whom would like to continue operating there. He shared concerns that the developers were looking to purchase the land and sell it for profit rather than to invest in business and jobs within the area. He shared that if the application were to be approved this would increase strain on highways and cause on road parking.


Cllr Seymour - Adjoining Ward Councillor (representing Cllr Jayne Greenaway – Ward Councillor) spoke against this application. She shared that the site provided work spaces for small to medium businesses and was unable to accommodate large HGV vehicles. Some of the businesses who currently reside on the industrial estate have not been able to relocate as there was nowhere similar to meet their business needs within the borough. Cllr Seymour shared her concerns that developers were looking for a housing for profit scheme over a working site. The area would need to be levelled as in its current state, it was too steep for use. The off-site play area was too far away for potential residents to make use of. Frame Lane was very narrow with intermittent footpaths making it inaccessible. There had been no bus service for the area since July 2018.


Mr Hooper – Agent for Applicant, spoke in favour of the application. He informed the Committee that the site was currently used as an industrial site, however the buildings had become tired and needed updating. The current site caused noise nuisance to residential properties and therefore the applicant had been working with these businesses to secure alternative premises for them. The site provided good access and new pedestrian route was proposed. A s106 agreement would be entered into to ensure funding for local schools and highways.


Mr Gittins – Planning Officer explained to the Committee that the loss of land for employment purposes was key issues and that it was a balanced case.  The principle of the proposed redevelopment of the site for residential purposes could be supported as the site was not an allocated employment site. Businesses would receive help to relocate. A new access was proposed to include a pedestrian  footpath provided across the site frontage.  There would be minimal impact on traffic along with a reduction of HGV’s and LGV’s. The Conservation Officer was content with scheme and there had been no objections from internal consultees.


Members raised questions regarding possible land contamination and highways improvements. They were concerned with the potential demolition of industrial units that were still in use and the financial impact that would have on the businesses. Members sought clarity on the education and highways contributions within the s106 agreement.

Mr Gittins – Planning Officer explained that the Streetworks Team were looking at improvements to Frame Lane and was due to go out to consultation.


Ms Hulme – (Development Management Service Delivery Manager) informed members that the plans for highways were part of a wider scheme that included traffic calming. There were also plans for a bus service to be reinstated.


Upon being put to vote, it was unanimously:


Resolved: that in respect of planning application TWC/2020/0410 delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission subject to:


A) the applicant/landowners entering into a Section 106 with the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to:


i) Highways contribution of £25,000

ii) Playspace and public open space contribution of £31,850

iii) Education contribution of £316,562

iv) Provision of 25% affordable housing


B) The conditions and informatives (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager) set out in the update report.


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