Agenda item

Notices of Motion


(a)        Councillor N A Dugmore formally moved, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion:


“This Council declares its support for the Government’s consideration of introducing Unitary Councils across the Country and notes the apparent potential for huge efficiency savings in doing so.

However, and in line with the past two Conservative Group Motions which received unanimous support across this Local Authority; this Council undertakes to oppose any move to merge Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council into one Unitary Authority”


The Motion was formally seconded by Councillor A Lawrence.


Councillor R C Evans moved the following amendment, with additional words shown in bold and underlined: 


This Council acknowledges that some may wish to support the Government’s consideration of introducing Unitary Councils across the Country.  However in line with previous motions which received unanimous support across this Local Authority; this Council undertakes to oppose any move to merge Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council into one Unitary Authority and calls upon both of our MPs to actively support us in this endeavour.”


The amendment was seconded by Councillor A D McClements.

A vote was taken on the proposed amendment, which was carried, becoming the substantive motion. The vote was as follows:


For:     36      

Councillors K T Blundell, M Boylan, A J Burford, E Callear, L D Carter, G H Cook, S Davies, A England,  N England, R C Evans, C Healey, V Holt, T Janke, A Jhawar, J Jones, J Lavery, J Loveridge,  A D McClements, R Mehta, K Middleton, G Offland, R A Overton, G C W Reynolds, S A W Reynolds, S J Reynolds, H Rhodes, K S Sahota, P J Scott, C Smith, J Thompson, K Tomlinson, W L Tomlinson, C R Turley, D White, D Wright.


Against:          0


Abstentions: 12

Councillors S Bentley, S P Burrell, E J Carter, N A Dugmore, A J Eade,  I Fletcher, V Fletcher, E J Greenaway, M B Hosken, A Lawrence, T J Nelson, J M Seymour


At the end of the debate, a vote was taken on the amendment put forward by Councillor Evans which was CARRIED. 


RESOLVED - that the amended Motion be approved



b)  Councillor P R Watling formally moved, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion:


‘Through this motion, as a Council we recognise the difficulties experienced by commonwealth veterans in receiving leave to remain in the UK when their service is complete, many are left with extortionate charges to remain here.


Through this motion we request the leader of the council to write on behalf of the Council  to the Prime Minister, Kevin Forster the Minister of State for Immigration, and Johnny Mercer the Minister of State for Veterans Affairs outlining this councils support for


           All commonwealth veterans who have served a minimum of 4 years being granted automatic and free of charge right to remain in the UK and


           Any veteran who completes 12 years of service to be automatically be granted British Citizenship.


Further, we request the Leader of the Council to write to Lucy Allan MP and Mark Pritchard MP on behalf of this council, to ask that they press the government for a change in the legislation that affects those that have served diligently and honourably for this Country.’


The Motion was formally seconded by Councillor C R Turley.


During a robust debate, Members thanked all those who served for this Country.


RESOLVED - that the motion be approved


c)    Councillor T L B Janke formally moved, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion:

“This Council notes:


a)         The ‘School Streets’ initiative aims to protect children from air pollution and road danger on the way to/from school, and a shift towards greener, more active forms of transport (which in turn reduces carbon emissions).


b)         This is achieved by closing streets next to schools to motor traffic at “school run” times. Children may get to school by walking, cycling, etc. Vehicles may park further away from school, and children and parents walk in. Exemptions exist for residents accessing properties.


c)         School Streets are growing fast: London has gone from 81 to 383 School Streets since April.


d)         In 2019, this council resolved to become carbon neutral by 2030.


e)         This council has announced a £2.6m investment into sustainable travel measures.


f)          Further information regarding School Streets can be found via this useful video of a successful scheme introduced in Hackney Council area.


This Council resolves to work collaboratively with councillors, schools, and local partners to:


a)         Swiftly identify schools in the Borough that could benefit from a ‘School Streets’ scheme.


b)         Following consultation, implement ‘School Streets’ at these schools as soon as possible, taking advantage of experimental traffic orders and statutory guidance over fast-tracked TROs.


c)         Look to improve cycling and walking infrastructure where necessary, so such schemes are safely and practically accessible.


d)        Introduce measures to promote walking and cycling in schools not suitable for ‘School Streets’.’


The Motion was formally seconded by Councillor W L Tomlinson. 


The Speaker ruled that this matter came within the remit of the Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee, and the motion would be referred directly to Scrutiny for consideration without discussion.