Agenda item

TWC/2018/0701 - Site of former Charlton School, Severn Drive, Dothill, Telford, Shropshire


This was an outline application for up to 200no. dwellings, retention of the existing sports hall building for community uses (Use Class D2) with associated  car park, public open space, landscaping, attenuation areas and associated infrastructure together with approval for access arrangements from Harley Close and Severn Drive with all matters to be reserved on site of the former Charlton School, Severn Drive, Dothill, Telford.


This application was before Committee as it involves the Council as landowner and included financial contributions secured by a Memorandum of Understanding.


Councillor K Tomlinson, Ward Councillor, spoke on the application and raised concerns regarding the pedestrian footway, lack of street lighting on the footpath linking Harley Close to McCormick Drive, highway safety particularly around Whitchurch Road/North Road junction, flooding and drainage and asked for clarification with regard to play facilities.


Mr T Ayres, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the application and explained that this application formed part of the BSF programme through which the a new school was built which is a legacy the Council can be proud of.  He acknowledged that the proposal was not policy compliant regarding the provision of affordable housing but we can see that the new school has been provided and there will be a community benefit of up to 200 new houses and highway improvements to Apley Avenue and Whitchurch Road.  The car parking area would be increased to allow parking for the football pitches and there would be public open and accessible green space.  A Memorandum of Understanding would be required for highway contributions, the NEAP and the public open space.


The Planning Officer informed Members that the application before them was for the principle of development together with points of access with all other matters reserved.  This was part of the final stage of the Council’s BSF programme and was a development in the Telford urban area which had good connectivity and met local and National Policy.  A third of the site would be developed with the remaining two thirds being playing fields and this had been accepted in principle by Sport England with new off-site sports facilities being provided.  The layout was indicative at this stage and there were no objections on highway grounds and there would be financial contribution to improve Apley Avenue and Whitchurch Road.  Parking provision had been improved.  The SUDs pond would be contained within the green guarantee area and details of this would form part of the reserved matters application.


The Highways Officer informed Members that the improvements would take place on the Whitchurch Road/North Road Junction with contributions from this coming from a neighbouring development and that the highway contributions from this application would be used to improve Apley Avenue/ Whitchurch Road.


During the debate some Members asked for clarification regarding who the applicant was and raised concerns regarding the lack of affordable housing, public access to the SUDs pond, the cost of the LEAP and if this should be conditioned, layout, the overflow car parking needed to be closer to the Park Gym.  Other Members felt that the design was acceptable but were concerned regarding the density, lighting on the Harley Close/McCormack Drive footpath and the flood risks on Coney Green Way.


The Planning Officer confirmed to Members that the Applicant was the Council.   He confirmed that there would be no public access to the SUDs pond and that this area would be a biodiversity gain on the green guarantee site and would be barriered to prevent public access.  A boundary treatment condition would be required.  With regard to the LEAP this was proposed as part of the scheme and would be positioned next to the Gym and this had been assessed by the Healthy Spaces Officer. 


The Development Management Service Delivery Manager explained that the financial contribution was only set if the LEAP was being built off-site.


The Planning Officer explained levels on the site were challenging and the overflow car park had been positions on the higher level utilising the current hard standing.  With regard to street lighting the Planning Officer was not aware of any discussions and this was not part of the application.  Drainage officers had considered the flood risk and no objections were raised.


On being put to the vote it was, by unanimously:


RESOLVED – that in respect of planning application TWC/2018/0701 that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant outline planning permission subject to the following:


a)    The applicant/landowners entering into a Memorandum of      Understanding with the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to:


           i)          Highways contribution of £455,700

           ii)         Ecology contribution of £33,400

           iii)        Provision of LEAP and POS on site

           iv)       Confirmation of Management of POS


b)   the conditions set out in the report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager) and


c)    an extra informative requesting the applicant to consider  low carbon technologies at the reserved matters application stage.


Supporting documents: