Agenda item

TWC/2019/0504 - Land between Colliers Way & Park Lane, Old Park, Telford, Shropshire


This was an outline application for up to 82 dwellings and associated access with all other matters reserved on land between Colliers Way & Park Lane, Old Park, Telford and was before Planning Committee as the Council were the applicant and it contained a Section 106 Agreement.


An update report was tabled at the meeting which related to the Section 106 Agreement and additional public comments.


Councillor J Yorke spoke on behalf of Lawley & Overdale Parish Council who were not opposed to the principle of development but raised concerns regarding the density, traffic management, access, the removal of the trees and hedgerow, parking, public right of way and the need to retain and increase pedestrian/cyclist access.


Councillor M Boylan, Ward Councillor, raised concerns regarding the effect on the character and  amenity of the established village, the site being split due to mining, drainage, elevation, overlooking, the removal of the green buffer, wildlife and ecology, visibility, the need for a no through road, density and the development needed to remain in keeping with the existing properties.


Ms S Thomas, a member of the public, spoke against the application on the grounds that it was a “green oasis” near to the town centre, there were concerns regarding density, against Policy BE1, design criteria, proposed parking arrangements, loss of trees which was contrary to Policy NE1 and NE2 and the need to retain the tree buffer.


The Planning Officer reminded Members that this application was to establish the principle of development and access and all other matters were reserved.  This was an allocated development site within the Local Plan and the principle had long since been established.  The concerns regarding density had been noted but was typical by modern standards and included a mix of units and appropriate plots sizes.   There would be two vehicular access points from Colliers Way but no vehicular through access to Park Lane =.  A S106 Agreement would secure contributions towards network upgrades and traffic management along Colliers Way. 


During the ensuing debate, some Members felt that there was no reason to refuse the application but would be more comfortable with a reduction in number of units and welcomed the 25% affordable housing.  Other Members felt that the density was lower than average and that the recreation contribution needed to be spent within the surrounding area and raised concerns regarding the parking and the attenuation pond. 


Upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant outline planning permission subject to the following:


a)    the applicant/landowners entering into a S106 legal agreement with the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to


i)             Education contribution of £370,676.00

ii)            Highways contribution of £79,620.65

iii)          Children’s Play/Recreation contribution of up to maximum of £49,299.00

iv)          Ecology contribution of £8,500.00 towards management of habitat and species mitigation area

v)            Affordable Housing to be provided at 25%


b)     The conditions contained in the report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).

Supporting documents: