Agenda item

TWC/2019/0252 - Land East & South of Sheldar/Covings/The Old Stables, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire


This application was for the erection of 15no. dwellings and garages with associated access on land East and South East of Sheldar/Covings/The Old Stables, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport.


Councillor Stephen Burrell had requested that this application be determined by the Planning Committee.


Councillor N Eyles spoke against the application on behalf of Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Council who raised concerns regarding the density, the height of the development, access, increased traffic movements, the single car track with only 1 passing place, the lane being used as a shortcut and it was requested that the number of dwellings be reduced.


Councillor S Burrell, Ward Councillor, whilst he acknowledged that the outline permission had already been granted, he raised concerns regarding the access of Back Lane, the lack of regard to the neighbours at Covings and Sheldar and he echoed the concerns of the Parish Council.  He raised further concerns regarding footpath which remained on the updated site plan.  He questioned what benefits Tibberton would be receiving from this development and if the S106 monies could be spent within the village of Tibberton.


Mr H Thorne, Applicant, spoke in favour of the application which already had consent for 14 dwellings and this application was an increase of 1 dwelling which would then become a mix of 15no. 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings.  The access would now be via Plantation Road which was more acceptable and now had passing places.  He confirmed he would take on board the comments regarding the removal of the footpath from the plan and considered that the development was acceptable and included 2 bungalows and provided 5 affordable housing units.  Section 106 monies would be spent wisely on the local highway.


The Planning Officer informed Members there were no technical objections and a S106 agreement had been secured towards education in the sum of £85,000, £28,000 for highway improvements and £9,000 for play equipment and there 5 affordable housing units amounting to 35%.


The Highways Officer informed Members that the access onto Plantation Road was an improvement to the previous access onto Back Lane.  Work towards the footpath and the Right of Way to the School would take place and that a further passing place had been installed to the left of the access on Plantation Road.  Highway contributions would go towards the pot for the work taking place on the B5062.


During the debate some Members whilst accepting that the site would be developed, raised concerns regarding the increased highway traffic onto Plantation Road, the lack of passing places and what was the timescale for the B5062 improvement scheme and when the passing places would be installed.  Other Members asked if the S106 monies would be spent on the village of Tibberton for the benefit of the residents but were content with the mix of 15 dwellings which is what a village scheme should be.


The Highways Officer explained that the footway works would need to be completed prior to occupation of the first dwelling.  The Scheme for the B5062 was being designed and would go out to public consultation to the residents and the Parish Council and that this would take a month or two to complete.  He envisaged that it could be approximately 6 months, Spring 2020, when the scheme would be finalised.


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:-


RESOLVED – that in respect of planning application TWC/2019/0252 that delegated authority be granted to the Development Manager Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission subject to the following:


a)         the applicant/landowners entering into a Section 106 Agreement with  the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of Committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to:


i)          Primary Education Contribution of £60,715;

ii)         Transport to Secondary Education Contribution of £24,240;

iii)        Highways contribution of £28,500;

iv)        Children’s Play/Recreation Contribution of £9,000;

v)         Affordable Housing Provision of 35% (5 dwellings)


b)        The conditions contained within the report (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).



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