Agenda item

TWC/2018/0957 - Land adjacent 10 Bluebell Coppice, Ketley, Telford, Shropshire


This was an application for the erection of 4no. dwellings on land adjacent to 10 Bluebell Coppice, Ketley, Telford, Shropshire.


This application had been considered and deferred at the meeting of the Committee on 5 June 2019 to enable Members to undertake a site visit prior to the meeting.


The Planning Officer updated Members that late communication had taken place that day with the Applicant who asked to defer the application as they wished to reduce the amount of dwellings on the site from four to three. Whilst the development site could provide satisfactory space for four dwellings similar to the previous approved application, the applicant was unable to obtain land in private ownership and as such sought to amend the scheme to applicants land ownership only, reducing the width of the access road and reducing the number of dwellings served from this private drive, making this a deliverable scheme    A draft amended layout was handed to the Members and the speakers for their perusal.  As members had debated the scheme at the previous meeting, and undertaken a site visit that afternoon, the Planning Officer sought the views of Members and speakers to consider the proposed reduced numbers and any other necessary amendments, to revise the scheme and re-consult in accordance with the requirements for consultation. .  It was a vacant, overgrown site sufficient for the dwellings with a private access route.  Members had seen the land differences on the site visit which had taken prior to the meeting.


Councillor S Millward-Thomas spoke against the application on behalf of Ketley Parish Council who raised concerns regarding the late submission of the amended plan.  The Parish Council were not opposed to the development of the land and welcomed the reduction in numbers but continued to have concerns regarding the size of the dwellings, access, adequate parking and the land being part of the green network.  He asked that the matter be deferred in order that further consultation could take place with the Parish Council and local residents on the revised scheme.


Mr J Edmonds and Mrs F Webb, members of the public, spoke in against the application.  Mr Edmonds raised concerns that they had only been verbally told of the changes to the scheme in the afternoon prior to the meeting.  Despite the reduction there would still be issues regarding the impact on the neighbouring properties, pedestrian safety, lack of access for emergency vehicles and construction traffic.  The strip of land which would be required to widen the access route belonged to him and he did not give permission for this to be use.  The red line hand not been amended on the plan to show this and the proposed new scheme needed to have the red line amended prior to reconsultation.  Mrs Webb raised concerns regarding fire safety guidance and the width of the access needing to be 3.7m, lack of view and recent near misses, issues with bin storage, not in keeping with the surrounding area and the size and the style of the units.  She asked that the application be deferred for further public consultation.


The Planning Officer informed Members that the revised scheme delivered a sustainable development with good transport links to Wellington and the Town Centre.  Although the development was on green network the site the loss was considered acceptable under the new local plan as it has not met the 6 criteria.  Highways supported the principle of the amended scheme and the bin store would be adjacent to the driveway.


The Highways Officer confirmed that they would consider the details of new proposals once it was out for reconsultation.


During the debate some Members felt that a reduction to three properties was acceptable but felt that the height differences may cause overlooking if the properties were erected on the existing levels and it was asked that the houses be repositioned within the site, or ground levels reduced to overcome this and the height of the development be conditioned.  Concerns were raised regarding the access and it was suggested that an alternative access be explored prior to going to re-consultation.     


The Development Management Service Delivery Manager confirmed to Members that the resolution being put to the vote was:


Delegated Authority be given to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager in consultation with the Chair to determine the proposed amended application for 3 dwellings after appropriate and required re-consultation with the public and, subject to requested amendments to grant planning permission.


On being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVEDthat in respect of Planning Application TWC/2018/0957 that Delegated Authority be given to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager in consultation with the Chair and after appropriate and required re-consultation with the public, to determine the proposed amended application for 3 dwellings and grant planning permission subject to the requested amendments and to the conditions set out in the report (with authority being given to finalise conditions and reasons for approval).


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