Agenda item

TWC/2018/0957 - Land adjacent 10 Bluebell Coppice, Ketley


Councillor A Jhawar left the room during the determination of this application.


This was an application for the erection of 4no. dwellings on land adjacent to 10 Bluebell Coppice, Ketley, Telford.


Ketley Parish Council had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee.


Councillor S Millward-Thomas spoke on behalf of Ketley Parish Council who raised concerns regarding the land being part of the Green Network, impact upon bio-diversity, lack of consultation, pedestrian and highway safety and access for emergency vehicles, poor access, overlooking of existing dwellings, out of character, storage of waste bins, and lack of car parking.  It was asked that Members defer this application for a site visit in order for Members to fully consider these concerns.


Mrs S Webb and Mrs S Edmonds, members of the public, spoke against the application raising concerns regarding the complex history of this site, misleading layout, safety concerns, lack of turning circle, bin storage, not in keeping with the local vernacular, scale and overdevelopment, access along a shared driveway, blind bend, 1m clearance of the boundary wall, no pedestrian footpath or safe haven, lack of consultation, inaccurate information and the widening of the strip of land which was not in the ownership of the applicant.


The Planning Officer informed Members that outline planning permission was granted on this site in 2012 but this had since lapsed in 2015.  The development was considered to be in a sustainable location with good transport links and although within the Green Network the site had been assessed as not meeting any of the six functions set out in the Local Plan.  This included not being assessed as having a high bio-diversity or habitat value.  The private access road had been designed as a shared space, which has equal rights for pedestrians and vehicles, and would be widened to 4.5m and 5m and all objections had been addressed in the report.  There would be minimal overlooking with sufficient separation distance which would cause no adverse impact on privacy.  The dormer windows were considered acceptable as they were not considered to represent a harmful change to the built environment and, in addition, would have a minimal visual impact upon the streetscene due to their location on the rear of the proposed dwellings.  Car parking was compliant with Car Parking Standards.  The issue of land ownership was not a material planning consideration and access would be 5m at its widest with Fire Safety regulations requiring 3.7m.


During the debate, some Members had concerns regarding the design, size and layout of the application, bin storage, access and the dormer windows and it was suggested that a site visit take place in order to assess the application fully.


It was proposed and seconded that a site visit took place and upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:-



RESOLVED – that in respect of Planning Application TWC/2018/0957 this application be deferred in order for Members to undertake a site visit.

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