To provide an update on the Telford & Wrekin Integrated Place Partnership (TWIPP).
The Interim Executive Director: Adult Social Care, Housing and Customer Services and Interim Director: Health & Wellbeing provided the Committee with an update on the Telford & Wrekin Integrated Place Partnership (TWIPP).
Members were informed that TWIPP was established in 2019 under the NHS Long Term Plan to deliver support to residents in Telford and Wrekin with a focus on place-based work to enable further integration of services. At the time of the meeting, TWIPP had recently formed a formal committee of the Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care Board (ICB) which played a key role in assuring the delivery of community-centred health and care integration at place and was authorised to oversee the delivery of key priorities on thematic partnership boards with a focus on reducing health inequalities, improving proactive preventing and delivering community-centred health and care services.
Officers explained that TWIPP had three main
priorities for 2024 – 2026:-
These priorities had been informed by a number of sources such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), the NHS GP Experience Survey and the Healthwatch Telford and Wrekin GP Access Report.
Each of these priorities of TWIPP would examine how community-centred approaches would be adopted to support residents of the Borough. Members were provided with some examples of the work of the Live Well Hubs which provide direct community support and weekly exercise classes as part of the ‘Moving On’ service to support with fall prevention for elderly residents.
The projects shown utilised the data provided and the community support currently available in the form of volunteers and peer roles such as Health Champions. TWIPP also worked in partnership with the ICB, Telford & Wrekin CVS and the voluntary sector as a whole to provide targeted services and support. TWIPP had representation amongst the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise groups as part of the Chief Officers Group (COG) to provide the correct service.
Members raised a number of questions and comments:-
What does JSNA mean?
The Interim Director: Health & Wellbeing explained that it stood for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
What was the difference between the survey on GP access by the NHS and the one recently completed by Healthwatch?
The Executive Director: Adult Social Care, Housing and Customer Services explained that the information from both surveys were similar, but the Healthwatch survey focussed on local issues and looked at the practices in the Borough in more depth.
What autonomy does TWIPP have outside of the ICB and could it take recommendations to them on services needed?
TWIPP had recently become more involved with the ICB and presented recommendations on services at a place-based level.
What were the views of residents on Primary Care and GP access?
The Interim Director: Health and Wellbeing explained that there had been reports that residents did receive good quality of care, but the main issues faced was getting past the ‘front-door’. The ICB had assured them that in line with the GP Recovery Access Plan that they would be working to support this.
Did the Council and TWIPP promote the work of pharmacies?
The Council and TWIPP have a current comms plan in place which looks to promote the work of pharmacies and the support that they offer residents. The Interim Director: Health & Wellbeing advised that comments from the Committee would be fed back to the Communications Team to inform the current comms plan.
What were the age priorities for TWIPP regarding mental health?
The Executive Director: Adult Social Care, Housing and Customer Services explained that the focus was on all ages, but recent data indicated that there had been an increase in support for young people. Members were also advised that TWIPP would look at community support such as the Living Well Hubs to support with this.
Members commented on the benefits of the Living Well Hubs and the Warm Hubs and asked if there were plans to expand further across the Borough.
The Executive Director: Adult Social Care, Housing and Customer Services explained that the data had shown that the current services provided did support the community and highlighted that there had been correlating data between older residents and loneliness. In terms of expansion, Members were informed that the Council would work with the community to explore alternative ways of supporting residents.
How could elected Members become more involved with supporting the work of TWIPP and setting up community initiatives like the Living Well Hubs?
The Interim Executive Director: Adult Social Care, Housing and Customer Services advised that elected Members would be able to use their Pride Fund allocation to support with community initiatives in their respective ward areas.
Members thanked Officers for their informative presentation.