Agenda item

CSE Inquiry

In accordance with the provisions of s100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, by reason of special circumstances, namely the report of the Independent Chair of the Independent Inquiry – Telford Child Sexual Exploitation published on 16 July 2024, the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion that this item should be considered as a matter of urgency.



In accordance with the provisions of s100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, by reason of special circumstances, namely the report of the Independent Chair of the Independent Inquiry – Telford Child Sexual Exploitation published on 16 July 2024, the Chair of the meeting was of the opinion that this item should be considered as a matter of urgency.


The Leader informed Members that following the conclusion of the CSE Inquiry two years ago, and publication of the report making 47 recommendations, the council was tasked with setting up an independent governance structure which involved key partners such as the Police, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner and health partners to deliver against the 47 recommendations.  As part of this work, the Council chose to include the views and expertise of three lived experience consultees.


The Independent Chair, Tom Crowther KC, was invited back to Telford, earlier than expected, in March 2024 to consider how work to meet the recommendations of his original report had progressed. The Independent Chair issued his final report on 16 July 2024 but the Leader acknowledged that this did not represent the end of the council’s work and the report also made that clear. 


The report was positive and commended the Council on its approach which was now an admiral role that others could learn from.  There were now bold initiatives to protect children against CSE.  Alongside its key stakeholders there had been a dedicated approach to implementing change which was testament to the tenacity and guidance of the lived experience consultees who held the council to account and supported and shaped the delivery of improvements.


The Leader thanked everyone involved with the CSE inquiry.


During the debate, some Members congratulated the council on the report and the work of the officers involved.  Good progress had been made and it was hoped children would now have the confidence to come forward too, so that the criminals could be tackled and be put behind bars.  Other Members asked if the annual CSE report could be brought to Full Council more often and thanked Tom Crowther KC, together with the three lived experience consultees in bringing this inquiry to a positive conclusion. It was asked that the council put on record a tribute to the dedication and courage of the lived experience consultees who had been invaluable in ensuring the thoroughness of the inquiry.  In order to continue to keep children safe it was important to continue the fight against CSE to prevent it happening again.




a)        the outcome of the review undertaken by the Independent Chair of the Inquiry into CSE in Telford be noted;


b)        the work of officers in progressing the recommendations contained within the report of the Independent Inquiry into CSE in Telford published on 12 July 2022 be endorsed;


c)        to continue working with partners and the lived experience consultees through the independently-chaired Strategic Implementation Group to ensure that continuous improvement in relation to CSE is undertaken inclusive of those with lived experience be agreed;


d)        the commitment, made through the budget-setting process and via Cabinet, to maintaining funding for the CATE team as set out in recommendation 7 of the Inquiry’s report published on 12 July 2022 be reaffirmed;


e)        officers to take steps through the budget-setting process for 2025/26 to ensure funding for Children’s Safeguarding and for The Holly Project; and


f)         sincere thanks and gratitude to the three independent lived experience consultees, Holly Archer, Scarlett Jones and Joanne Phillips for their commitment in supporting the Council to fulfil its recommendations be given.

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