Agenda item

Vision 2032 - Annual Review

To consult on the annual review of the Council Vision.


The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Executive Director: Place.


The report was first presented to Cabinet in 2022 and set out the vision for the Borough for the next ten years. The vision had been developed through wide ranging engagement with residents, analysis of data and collaboration with key strategic partners.


To recognise some of the key challenges facing the Borough, the fundamental goal of the vision was to build a more inclusive Borough through the following four ambitions: -


  • All neighbourhoods are connected, safe and clean
  • Everyone is able to live a healthy, independent life
  • Everyone benefits from good education and can fulfil their potential in a thriving economy
  • The environment is protected for the benefit of everyone.


The vision described the ambitions and aspirations for the Borough against these main themes and what is to be achieved by 2032. 


The report also highlighted some of the key achievements of the Council in the last twelve months: -


  • Being the first council in the West Midlands to be judged outstanding in successive inspections by Ofsted for Children’s Services;
  • Leveraging of £70m investment to further develop Oakengates, Wellington Town Centres and Station Quarter;
  • Investing over £65m to support further growth initiatives to bring new job opportunities to the Borough;
  • Launching 6 new bus routes to carry over 300,000 passengers to provide better access to work, school and leisure facilities; and
  • 30% decrease in anti-social behaviour through further investment into the Council’s Safer & Stronger Communities programme.


Cabinet Members noted the progress of delivery of the vision through regular partnership meetings with key strategic organisations and recognised some of the key achievements including £70m investment for transformational projects in Wellington, Oakengates and Station Quarter, over £65m funding for the Council’s Growth Fund to support job opportunities and employment and a 30% decrease in antisocial behaviour through the Safer Stronger Communities Programme. Cabinet Members also welcomed the planned strategic partnership meeting to be held in November which would provide an opportunity to update the Vision.


The Leader of the Conservative Group commented on the need for a Council vision and that the Council’s aspirations were worthwhile. He asked officers to consider inclusion of other significant partners particularly those involved with secondary education and civil servants, highlighting that secondary education was fundamental for providing the foundations needed for life skills for young people in the Borough.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group welcomed the report and applauded the aspirations of the Council but asked that officers consider the financial implications due to the current climate. He welcomed the introduction of the new bus routes and the positive impact these would have on providing extra services to areas in the Borough where services were currently limited.


The Leader confirmed that the Council would continue to undertake due diligence when managing finances and would also continue to reach out to various partners to help achieve the Vision.


RESOLVED – that:


a)    the progress made specifically by Telford & Wrekin Council delivering Vision 2032, the ten-year vision for the borough, as set out in the annual review be acknowledged; and

b)   the proposed timescale to report progress on delivery of Vision 2032 with partners following the strategic partnership meeting planned to be held in November be approved.


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