To receive the annual Armed Forces Covenant report.
The Cabinet Member for Inclusion, Engagement, Equalities & Civic Pride presented the report of the Director: Policy & Governance. The report provided an update on the work that had taken place to meet the Council’s commitments to the Armed Forces Covenant and in support of the Borough’s Armed Forces community during 2023/24.
As a signatory of the Armed Forces Covenant, Telford and Wrekin Council was required to uphold a commitment to support those who serve or had served in the Armed Forces. In the last year, the Council had delivered its annual Armed Forces Day event and had broadened outreach activities through partnership working to include the Armed Forces Staff Network, Veterans' Cafes in Dawley, Madeley and Donnington, the Models for Heroes Group, Bake & Banter Sessions, Veterans’ & Spouses’ Craft & Sewing Group, Armed Forces Community Art Lessons and a Veterans Football Club which meets weekly at AFC Telford United. The Council had also been recognised by the Ministry of Defence as a Gold Employer for veterans, an award granted for 5 years and due for renewal in 2025.
Since 2011, a total of 151 organisations across the Borough had signed up to the Armed Forces Community with 35 signatories collected in the last 12 months. A total of 26 Town & Parish Councils had also signed the Covenant and the Council had continued to receive positive feedback about how these organisations had benefited greatly from being able to build a reputation as being ‘Forces Friendly’.
The report highlighted the Council’s commitment to enhancing its support offer through the development of a new Armed Forces Community Hub, creating a single point of contact for veterans and their families.
Cabinet Members recognised the importance of supporting veterans and armed forces personnel and the Council’s continued commitment to supporting them. Members also highlighted the success of some of the outreach activities such as the Veteran’s Café which had seen over 1,000 attendances in recent months and how these initiatives had provided a space for Veteran’s to seek support.
The Leader of the Conservative Group welcomed the report and commended the work of the Council in supporting the Armed Forces community and looked forward to receiving further updates in relation to the progress of the new Armed Forces Community Hub.
The Leader of the Council praised the Council’s continued commitment to supporting the Borough’s veterans and their families highlighting the Council’s accreditation and acknowledging the work of Parish and Town Council’s in making High Streets armed forces friendly. The Leader acknowledged the challenging landscape for providing veteran’s support and the reliance on 1,700 charities in the UK but provided reassurance that the Council would continue to support veterans and their families through outreach activities and access to skills and employment opportunities.
RESOLVED – that:
a) the progress made developing the Council’s “offer” to the borough’s Armed Forces community be noted;
b) the proposed restructure of the Armed Forces Covenant Partnership Board be endorsed; and
c) the £10,000 funding for the Armed Forces community cafes for the next two years be approved.
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