To receive the Annual Licensing Report.
The Public Protection Group Manager presented the Annual Licensing Report, which provided an update on the current licensing fees, charges and policy and sought approval for the revised licensing fees and charges. This was the second Annual Licensing report that had been presented to the Committee and gave an update on the service area. The Council had a statutory duty to approve, review and monitor licences and publish policies in relation to certain licensing functions. The report, however, did not cover licences or permits relating to street works, skips or scaffolding, skin piercing, petroleum and fireworks or environmental permits.
Between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, there had been 834 applications received and 687 licences that were issued. This was an increase of 205 applications in comparison to 2022/23, which equated to a 20% increase. The Public Protection Group Manager highlighted that there were 392 vehicles being licenced as a private hire vehicle, which was a 33% increase from the previous year. The report outlined that there were 46 complaints that were currently being investigated.
Members were informed that in November 2023 a report had been presented regarding CCTV within taxis across the Borough. A joint agreement between, Wolverhampton, Shropshire and Staffordshire Councils together with Telford & Wrekin Council maintained a clear approach to taxi licence regulation.
The Public Protection Group Manager informed the Committee that there had been 20 new premises licences granted, which was an increase of 40% compared to 2022/23. She highlighted the multi-agency Licensing Safety and Vulnerability initiative (LSAVI), which promoted safety amongst night-time economy venues. There were 70 premises that were accredited under LSAVI. The initiative provided training and support for premises to ensure that their clients were safe on site.
The report discussed 43 annual licensing activities including inspections, which was an increase of 10 from previous years. Looking to 2024/25 the Public Protection Group Manager highlighted that the team would be reviewing current policies and in particular the gambling policy which was currently out to consultation and would be presented to the Committee in due course.
During the debate, some Members raised a concerns relating to the continuing funding of CCTV in private hire vehicles and if there were any alternative sources of funding.
The Public Protection Group Manager explained that the team was working with partner agencies such as the Police to support further funding but there were currently no other funding opportunities available from the Government.
Members asked about the process of prosecution of scrap metal collectors that were operating on a licence out of the Borough and it was explained that this would be a police matter to prosecute and that they would refer the matter to them. There were comments on temporary event notices which are licences for one-off events and asked why the process seemed so complicated. It was explained that this was prescribed by Central Government and there was agreement that the process could seem complicated. Members were generally pleased with the CCTV initiative as well as the LSAVI approach for pubs and clubs that was supported by the team. A point of clarification was asked about how a fine was set by the courts and who receives the money if a licence holder was prosecuted. The Public Protection Group Manager explained that it was the Magistrates Court which issued fines and the fine is collected by the courts. The local authority ask for costs towards the prosecution
Upon being put to the vote it was, unanimously:
RESOLVED: that the content of the Annual Licensing Report and that the areas of focus for 2024/25 would be approved and noted.
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