Agenda item

Councillor Questions On Notice

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.


NB      In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.


The following questions were asked under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.2:-


(a)       Councillor P J Scott asked the following question of Councillor C Healy, Cabinet Member: Climate Action, The Environment, Heritage & Visitor Economy


"Newport Canal is a Telford and Wrekin Council owned asset that is highly regarded in the area by all residents and visitors. The water quality and general health of the waterway is vital to all flora and fauna. Can the Cabinet Member for Climate Action, The Environment and Heritage and Visitor Economy confirm what the council are doing to keep our canal healthy now and in the long term?"


Councillor C Healy responded that Newport Canal was an important highly valued Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).  Natural England monitored consents and assents and the council undertook daily maintenance together with scheduled grass cutting and hedge maintenance along the tow path.  A special contractor was due to undertake weed control in late summer following permission from Natural England and this would be communicated to the local angling clubs and Members.  A water environment grant had been granted by the Environment Agency and this had enabled Shropshire Wildlife Trust to undertake work to manage some of the wildlife species during 2019-2021 but this had not been required during the last couple of years.  The canal was a dynamic environment and work would continue with the Environment Agency and Severn Trent.


Councillor P J Scott asked a supplementary question.  “A while ago it was suggested that the canal, Victoria Park and Norbroom Park would become green flagged was that still happening”.


Councillor C Healy responded that an application for the Victoria Park and the Canal would be submitted next year, but this currently did not include Norbroom Park at this stage as this created too big an area in terms of the green flag award.



(b)       Councillor R Tyrrell asked the following question of Councillor R A Overton, Cabinet Member: Homes & Enforcement and Customer Services


“Please can the cabinet member confirm this Council continues to prioritise the health, wellbeing and comfort of its residents, and the quiet enjoyment of their properties.” 


Councillor R A Overton responded that the council were on the side of residents and were working with the regulator, Environment Agency and the site operator to put a robust action plan in place and would hold the operators to account to ensure the actions were delivered.  The council had been quick to organise a well-attended session for residents with the Environment Agency and site operators and air quality monitoring equipment had recently been installed in proximity to the landfill site with results to be provided to residents via a website.  They were working hard to bring the matter to a close.


Councillor R Tyrrell noted the excellent efforts of the agencies working together alongside officers and asked a supplementary question as to “why had there been separate briefings to Members who weren’t part of the administration despite the request for a joint update, why was this not a joint update and how did this reconcile the principle of behaving with integrity and openness”.


Councillor R A Overton responded that two briefing sessions had been held, one in consultation with Ward Members of the wards only slightly affected by the Potters Landfill site and a further session for those Councillors whose wards were fully affected and they were held separately as they required different information.



(c)       Councillor S Bentley asked the following question of Councillor L D Carter, Leader


“Can the new Leader reaffirm the commitment his predecessor made that there will not be green bin charges in T&W until at least 2027 and that the collections will continue as at present every other week, dates only changing with Bank hols etc?”


Councillor L D Carter responded that he understood the concerns following the announcement by Shropshire Council that they were introducing a £56 per year recycling charge for green waste. He gave a cast iron guarantee that the council would do the right thing and continue free green waste collections and that they would always commit to this and collections would remain at the current frequency.


Councillor S Bentley asked a supplementary question that as rural areas had large gardens and more than one green bin, would there be any change to the number of bins to each property.


Councillor L D Carter responded that everything would remain the same particularly in relation to household recycling centres to be open every day, free car parking on council car parks, libraries and community centres open and free swimming for the under 25s and this would be accomplished by investing wisely.



(d)       Councillor N A Dugmore asked the following question of R A Overton, Cabinet Member: Homes & Enforcement and Customer Services


“Due to the holiday period and many Parish Councils not meeting until September can the consultation period for the Community Governance Review be extended to allow for an informed response to the proposals by both Parish Councillors and residents?"


Councillor R A Overton responded that he understood the position and that the holiday period was fast approaching.  Some Parish and Town Councils were holding extraordinary meetings prior to the summer break and other were holding meetings the first week back in September.  Due to the legal timetable and final publication of the Community Governance Review (CGR) the timetable was unable to be moved.  The council would ask at the Boundary Review Committee meeting that the final response date be moved until 4 September 2024.  The second round of consultations would take place in order that key stakeholders and residents could contribute as it had been requested that responses were received from as many people as possible and there had been a disappointing number of responses from the first round of consultation.  This would be raised at the Boundary Review Committee being held on 19 July 2024.


Councillor N A Dugmore asked a supplementary question as to “why had the Boundary Review Meeting due to be held on 2 May 2024 been cancelled without it being replaced which meant the public consultation was delayed there was then a tight timescale”.


Councillor R A Overton responded that the meeting timetable had been pushed back due to the general election and that he would provide a written response.