Agenda item

TWC/2023/0481 - Site of Haven Boarding Kennels & Cattery, The Ridges, 1 Lightmoor Road, Lightmoor, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for the demolition of existing buildings (including 1no. dwelling) and erection of 9no. dwellings on the site of Haven Boarding Kennels & Cattery, The Ridges, 1 Lightmoor Road, Lightmoor, Telford, Shropshire.


The application had been referred to Planning Committee at the request of Dawley Hamlets Parish Council.


A site visit had taken place on the afternoon prior to the meeting.


Councillor K Barnes spoke against the application on behalf of Dawley Hamlets Parish Council and raised concerns regarding highway safety for local residents, lack of streetlights, pavements and traffic calming and the ecological impact in relation to great crested newts and three Local Nature Reserves.  She raised further concerns regarding the speed limit and the difficulty for pedestrians to be seen by cars on the blind bend.  It was asked that the application be deferred until such time as pedestrian safety was addressed.


Mr D Humphreys, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in favour of the development.  The scheme had been delayed due to ecology and highway issues which he considered were now up to date and there was no evidence to suggest roosting bats but all recommendations relating to bat boxes and lighting would be adhered to.  It was a stable brownfield site with a well thought out design with well thought out space and a large amenity area.  Chimneys and Dorma windows were complimentary and met prescribed housing standards.  There were two parking spaces per dwelling and a good garden space.  A few trees needed to be removed on the site, but the majority would be kept and maintained.  Although refuse vehicles would not enter the site due to the need for an increased road width, the unadopted road would allow for a better format and access for emergency vehicles.   A speed test and highway reports had been undertaken and the access for the existing two properties would be used.  A proposal link footpath would be undertaken via the adjacent site and there were no objections from the local highway authority.  Drainage had been agreed with the engineers and there would be no detrimental issues on neighbouring sites.


The Planning Officer informed Members that significant consideration had been given to the site and part of the proposal was that the applicant provide a foot link from the site to Lightmoor Road.  In addition, resurfacing of the carriageway and any engineering to pedestrian facilities.  There were adequate visibility splays and parking on site.  Some additional off-site highway works were due to be completed following the development of the former concrete works including a pedestrian refuge on the A4169 bypass, the reduction of the speed limit to 30mph and painted dragons’ teeth to delineate the speed limit.  Improvements to the footpath along the Lightmoor Road would be undertaken including dropped kerbs. 


During the debate, some Members considered the design of the site to be fair and consistent and were pleased the pathway through the woods would be closed.  The footpath along the A4169 was welcomed.  The development was on a brownfield site and met housing targets.  Other Members felt that the highway required a signalised crossing but that nine additional houses would not have any significant additional impact.


Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to conditions and informatives as set out in the report.

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