Agenda item

TWC/2021/0358 - Site of AGA Rayburn, Coalbrookdale Works, Wellington Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire


This application was for works to facilitate the conversion of the former compressor house and reconstruction of the former pattern shop to provide 3no. dwellings – in association with the redevelopment of the former AGA site (Listed Building Consent Application) on the site of AGA Rayburn, Coalbrookdale Works, Wellington Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Shropshire.


A site visit had taken place on the afternoon prior to the Committee Meeting.


This application was before Planning Committee as the application had been validated as A Non-Determination Appeal by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and it was necessary for the Planning Committee to confirm to PINS their likely determination had the application been presented to them with a recommendation.


Planning Officers considered that the level and nature of representations on this application would have warranted a Committee decision.


Planning Applications TWC/2021/0356 and TWC/2021/0358 would be heard together but the vote on the recommendations for each application would be taken individually.


Ms M Blockley, a member of the public, spoke against the application as a resident and as the Chair of the WHS Steering Group.  She raised concerns the setting of the Listed Building, scale and size of the apartment block, the design reference to the textile mills.  Further concerns were raised regarding the concrete raft adjacent to the listed building and the overwhelming geological risk management due to land stability and warping and that piles should be used as an alternative.


Mr A Sheldon, Applicant, spoke in favour of the likely determination and informed Members that in relation to the design, scale and nature of the apartment block this scale of the buildings were not any greater that what was already in place.  Discussions had taken place with Historic England in relation to the best development in order to recognise the past history of the site.  


The Planning Officer gave Members a brief overview of the application and suggestions made by ICOMOS and ICOMOS-UK who were not formally objecting to the application and advised that these had been taken into consideration.  The site had been redesigned taking account of the retained heritage assets and the industrial character of the site. This was a bespoke and unique design and involved substantial costs to make it viable.  A Historic Interpretation Area would seek to provide a narrative of the stories of its industrial past via public art provisions.  Archaeology would be recorded and left in situ with the Applicant having to provide an Archaeological Management Plan which had been accepted by Shropshire Archaeology and raft foundations utilised where necessary.  Paragraph 208 of the NPPF balanced harm against public benefit and it was considered that this site provided significant public benefit.   Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) wrote to the Local Planning Authority to advise of the risk that the World Heritage Site could be severely compromised if ICOMOS concerns were not fully addressed but the Officers advised Members that the ICOMOS concerns had little recognition of the site constraints and viability.  The proposal was the best and most viable solution to the site and no further amendments could be made to overcome the ICOMOS concerns.  With regard to increased traffic, the Local Highways Authority had reviewed the application and raised no objection; the site has an over-provision of parking and there would be no loss of existing parking along Wellington Road.   A 1 bedroom housing need had been identified in the Local Plan and the feature apartment block which houses these units replicated a former three storey building in the same location.  The site was brownfield and there was a vast betterment in relation to drainage by achieving greenfield rates and also with the daylighting of the culvert (which involved the removal of old pipework and a slower rate of discharge further downstream).  Consideration had been given to the comments made by ICOMOS, and these have been addressed where feasible and considered in the planning balance. However, the risk to the loss of the WHS status, is not a material planning consideration.  On balance the site constraints have a level of harm which was considered to be less than substantial and brought forward a variety of public benefits which weighed in its favour.  The application was therefore considered complaint with policy contained within the Telford and Wrekin Local Plan and NPPF.


During the debate, some Members raised serious concerns regarding the loss of the World Heritage Site (WHS).  They acknowledged that the site was in a poor condition and some buildings required urgent attention.  Although the proposals were sympathetic to the area a balance was required to consider the threat to the WHS.  Other Members considered that the archaeology needed retaining as this was key to the local area and its history; and more needed to be done to mitigate the impact on local amenities and highway issues needed to be reconsidered, particularly in relation to parking and the impact on Cherry Tree Hill. 


Members asked it be noted that whatever decision was made that the Planning Committee unanimously expressed their concerns over the loss of the World Heritage Site and this must be considered as part of the decision.


On being put to the vote it was, by a majority:


RESOLVED – that should a formal recommendation have been made to the Planning Committee it would have set out a recommendation that:


a)    Delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission subject to conditions, informatives and the applicant entering into a S106 agreement, as detailed in the recommendation set out in the report of TWC/2021/0356;


b)    Delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant Listed Building Consent subject to conditions, informatives as set out in the report; and


c)     the report should be read in conjunction with the Full Application (TWC/2021/0356), which would cover all material planning and Listed Building matters.

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