To receive an update from the Integrated Care Board on the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan.
Members received an update from the Associate Director of Primary Care, Integrated Care Board Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, on the NHS recovery plan for Primary Care in the Borough. Members were informed that the slides which formed part of the agenda pack were previously presented to the Telford and Wrekin Health and Wellbeing Board and included the latest figures. Members were informed that the focus for the next quarter was on the self-referral service. These services required input from health professionals to ensure that they were appropriate and the first scheme as part of the recovery plan was the pharmacy first scheme. Members were informed that all community pharmacists were signed up to this service. The scheme was currently in its second month of operation, however, figures were not ready to be reported on, but would be shared with the Committee once available.
Another part of the recovery plan was the digitising of the telephony service for GPs. Members were informed that the plan scheduled for 90% of services to be digitally accessible by the end of March 2024. However, due to technological requirements and delays from practices this had extended to be completed by mid-April 2024. Some of the other improvements detailed in the plan was to increase the workforce in primary care to include paramedics and nurse practitioners. The overall plan was said to improve the quality of services in Telford and Wrekin, to allow for more GP appointments to be available and develop improvements for the future of primary care.
Members posed the following questions:-
Did the system in the NHS allow for patient records to be shared across the system providers?
Across the system, professionals were able to see a summary of a patients records. However, this was not the full record and there was work to upgrade this on a national level.
Members discussed the difficulties around getting a dentist appoint with the NHS and some discussed that there had been cases where residents had to pay for a private dentist due to necessity to see a dentist.
The Associate Director of Primary Care discussed the national recovery plan for dentistry and highlighted that the concerns surrounding dentistry was a national concern. It was suggested that an update could be brought to the Committee.
Members discussed that previously that the majority of community pharmacists in the area were to be largely based in Shropshire and that the process of becoming an independent prescriber was a long process. It was discussed that following the COVID-19 Pandemic there had been a number of changes in the field of pharmacy such as the types of treatments available and the ways that certain medications were prescribed.
Were there facilities under the planning process for s106 monies to be used for development of primary care facilities and to support existing GPs?
Officers informed Members that this would be reported back to the relevant Planning Officers and if further information was available, this would be provided to the Committee.
Members raised their concerns regarding advertisement of NHS schemes, particularly around primary care and the services in pharmacies, and requested further information be presented at a later meeting.
Officers from the ICB advised that information would be shared with the Committee at a later date.
Residents had raised issues with booking an appointment with a GP, why was this the case?
The Associate Director of Primary Care, ICB, advised Members that concerns would be feedback as patients should be able to see a GP when required.
Were the figures in the published report for both Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin?
The figures in the published report covered both Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin but the figures included within the report presented at the meeting covered Telford.
Members discussed difficulties with using the NHS app to book appointments and suggested if a facility could be made available to book an appointment with a local GP via the app.
Was the ICB looking at best practice across GP practices, both locally and nationally, to see how the system could be improved in Telford and Wrekin?
The recovery plan looked to address differences across practices in Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin to determine the best approach. It was noted that individual practices adopted the best model and that the recovery plan was part of a national model of improvement. It was highlighted that there was a Primary Care Network forum for best practice and knowledge sharing across the region.
Were there any national funding initiatives to support practices?
There was additional funding allocated for the recovery plan under the ICB’s budget with additional investment funding for practices based on the services provided. This was closely monitored to track the impact the funding would have.
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