Agenda item

TWC/2023/0701 Magna International Holding (UK) Ltd, Cosma Castings UK Ltd, Telford 54 Business Park, Naird View, Nedge Hill, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3AN


This application was for the erection of an extension to the existing industrial building (Use Class B2 with ancillary B1 and B8) and associated site works including construction of additional car parking, erection of a gatehouse and temporary use of land as a construction compound incorporating storage area, site offices and car parking at Magna International Holding (UK) Ltd, Cosma Castings UK Ltd, Telford 54 Business Park, Naird View, Nedge Hill, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3AN.


The application was before Planning Committee as it involved council owned land for the proposal which would create more than 10,000sqm of gross floor area.


There were no speakers in attendance at the meeting.


The Planning Officer informed Member that the site formed part of an allocated employment site.  It was in line with policies EC1 and EC2 which supported this development.  A community engagement exercise had taken place within the community, via a letter drop, which included the Ward and Parish Councillors.   It was of a sympathetic design and supported by a comprehensive site environmental management plan and all technical consultees were fully in support of the application.  The highway authority were in support of the transport assessment which took into account shift patterns and employee numbers.  The level of parking provision was considered appropriate.  A contribution to the highway network was required due to a marginal increase in rush hour trips.  Additional electric vehicle charging spaces had been included within the application and there was a robust and sustainable drainage model.  The roof would be constructed in such a manner that in future ev panels could be fitted.


The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and financial contributions via a S106 agreement.


During the debate some members were fully in support of the application which had raised no objections and met planning criteria.  It was an industrial unit in an industrial area which supported business growth and was a positive move for Telford creating jobs and employment.


RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the  Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant full planning permission  (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to the following:


a)    the applicants entering into a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following (plus indexation):


i)             £5,000.00 towards Travel Plan monitoring;


ii)            ii) £7,289.77 towards Strategic Highway improvements; and


iii)          £250.00 towards S106 monitoring


b)   the conditions and informatives (with authority to finalise conditions and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager) contained within the report.

Supporting documents: