Agenda item

Councillor Questions On Notice

To answer questions received under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.


NB      In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 6.2.9 there will be a maximum of 30 minutes allowed for questions and answers.  Any question not answered within the 30 minute time limit will receive a written reply within 5 working days.


The following questions were asked under Council Procedure Rule 6.2.2:-

(a)          Councillor S Handley asked the following question of Councillor L D Carter, Cabinet Member: Place (The Economy & Neighbourhood Services):

“As you are aware there has been increasing concern over the Holyhead Road by Central Park in St Georges, I know the current and previous Labour councillors for St Georges have been advocating for the road to be improved and have also wanted signals added to the junction of Furnace Road. This is a major scheme, and I would be delighted if the Cabinet Member for Place could inform me if there is a date now agreed for this project to commence and if the junction will be signalled to help improve road safety and ease congestion?”


Councillor Carter responded that the Council had recently undertaken a number of major improvement schemes across the Borough and in particular a number of challenging repairs to structures and retaining walls in the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site. The Council would be investing a further £24m into transport and highways schemes and improvements to Holyhead Road in St Georges will take place in the New Year with works set to commence in late January. The project would see improvements to the retaining wall, resurfacing of the roads and footpaths as well as the introduction of a signalised junction to include pedestrian crossing facilities.


(b)       Councillor H Morgan asked the following question of Councillor K Middleton, Cabinet Member: Health, Safer & Stronger Communities and Partnerships:


"I'm really pleased to see that Telford and Wrekin are spreading the message of zero tolerance on violence to both men and women. There is a funding gap for community services for domestic abuse and since the pandemic there has been an increase of 20% in reported domestic violence so to see our local authority prioritise this is brilliant to see. Can you tell me a little more about any planned work in the area that will help continue the White Ribbon message in the long term?”


Councillor Middleton responded that the Council would be investing £1.5m over the next three years to provide a new domestic abuse support service which would be delivered by not-for-profit organisations Cranstoun and West Mercia Women’s Aid.  The Council’s Building Safer & Stronger Communities programme had supported more than 200 women to complete free self-defence classes with further sessions planned for the New Year. The annual Telford 5K Park Run continues to raise awareness of domestic abuse and those who attend the park run are encouraged to sign the pledge.

(c)        Councillor A D McClements asked the following question of Councillor R Mehta, Cabinet Member: Inclusion, Engagement, Equalities & Civic Pride:

“Since 2011, under this administration, the Councillors Pride Fund has given ward members the opportunity to allocate funding towards improvements or projects within their ward.  This funding has given all 54 councillors the opportunity to make a big difference with a small amount of money, supporting many hundreds of projects that benefit local communities, improving the lives of their community during these difficult times.  Could the Cabinet Member for Inclusion, Engagement, Equalities & Civic Pride confirm whether this much needed funding will continue to be delivered in 2024/25?”

Councillor Mehta responded that the Council have delivered a huge amount of projects for more than a decade, making a difference to communities. More than £1.5m has been invested into the Councillors Pride Fund scheme with further investment planned for 2024/25.

(d)       Councillor E Davies asked the following question of Councillor C Healy, Cabinet Member: Climate Action, Green Spaces, Heritage & Leisure:

“I was pleased to be able to open the newly refurbished Princes End play area and it has been wonderful to see the difference this has made for the children in my ward. What else is the council doing to improve children’s play opportunities across the borough?”

Councillor Healy responded that the Council had recently investment £750k into play areas around the Borough with 38 play areas upgraded and a further 7 still planned for redevelopment. Investment had included more accessible play facilities for children with disabilities as well as the introduction of facilities which cater for the needs of teenagers.


Councillor E Davies asked the following supplementary question:-


“All of our play parks within the ward are located within valuable green spaces, many of which are green guarantee sites. Can the Cabinet Member work with me and my fellow ward member to designate all of them into green guarantee sites and ensure that this is communicated effectively to residents?”


Councillor Healy responded over the last year the Council have increased the number of Green Guarantee sites from 200 to over 300, designating a vast majority of the Borough’s open space including play areas. The Council were currently in the process of rolling out a programme of signage installation to make residents aware that these spaces are protected sites and are available to enjoy.