This was an application for a Full Planning Application for the erection of 31 dwellings with garages, landscaping and means of access. The application had been deferred at the meeting of the Committee on 18 October 2023 to enable Members to undertake a site visit, , which took place at 2.30pm on the day of today’s committee meeting, 22 November 2023, and receive further information from the Council’s Highways Team in relation to traffic calming and speed limits. The site was located on Hem Lane, a semi-rural location which was positioned between Halesfield and the boundary of this Council’s area. The application site measured in excess of 3 hectares and there was one existing dwelling on the site, which will be retained.
Mr Andy Williams, a representative of the applicant spoke in favour of the application stating that the principles of the site were in accordance with the local plan policy and had provision for affordable housing. It was summarised that there were no objections from Shropshire Council on the application and it would act as a link between the areas. The dwellings were said to have ample parking and will include both solar panels and electric charging points.
Mr Edward Bradley, a representative of the public spoke against the application stating that the application had a few issues such as a lack of enforcement for a no through road. It was stated that there was no adequate visibility off the new estate, particularly between Bridgnorth and Telford. There were concerns for flooding and discharge of salt into the local pool following storms and that the application did not account for addressing storm conditions.
Members reflected on the site visit, which highlighted the concerns over traffic speeds. Members asked about the tactile crossing and whether it would be possible for it be moved from the proposed location to allow for greater safety. The planning officer advised that there were no restrictions against moving the crossing and she noted the comments about the speed of the traffic, and the need for further signage. Planning Officers confirmed that there were discussions with the applicant over works required through the Section 278 (Highways Act) process. . Members commented on further information provided by the Highways Team. It was discussed that the inclusion of physical barriers could limit the flow of traffic, in addition to the proposed traffic calming measures. The main concerns for Members included the safety of the road in the area and the crossings. The concerns were noted and that officers would ensure these were considered under the S278 process, including the existing traffic regulation by Shropshire Council.
On being put to the vote it was, by a majority:
RESOLVED – that DELEGATED AUTHORITY be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to GRANT FULL PLANNING PERMISSION (with the authority to finalise any matter including conditions, legal agreement terms, or any later variations) subject to the following:
A) The applicant/landowners entering into a Section 106 Agreement with the Local Planning Authority (subject to indexation from the date of committee with terms to be agreed by the Development Management Service Delivery Manager) relating to:
i. Provision of off-site Affordable Housing (Total of £693,879.98).
ii. Education provision (Total of £88,532).
iii. Highway Works (£7,000).
iv. Enhancements/Upgrade to offsite play and sports provisions (£40,300).
B) The conditions set out in the report.
Supporting documents: