Agenda item

TWC/2023/0058 - Site of Ridgeways, Hem Lane, Halesfield, Telford, Shropshire


This was a Full Planning Application for the erection of 31 dwellings with garages, landscaping and means of access. The application was being determined by Members as a major development subject to a Section 106 Agreement. The site was located on Hem Lane, a semi-rural location which was positioned between Halesfield and the boundary of the Borough. The application site measured in excess of 3 hectares and there was one existing dwelling on the site, which will be retained.


The application site was within the Telford urban boundary where the principle of development was acceptable. The site was well-contained with mature boundary treatments and was currently utilised as private amenity space for the existing dwelling.


Members commented on the location of development and highlighted concerns. The main concern related to the sustainability of the site, noting the development would be close to fast roads and appeared to not be near public transportation infrastructure; concerns were also raised over health care facilities. There was a request for further detailed information on the mitigation measures that would be delivered, if the development was approved. Officers commented that this would be part of the S278 Agreement (of the Highways Act) and confirmed that matters such as healthcare are strategically planned considering the local plan, and there was regular dialogue with the ICB. 


A motion to defer the application pending a site visit was proposed and seconded. This motion entailed a site visit of the application and further detailed information for the proposed highway mitigation to be presented to members before a decision would be made.


On being put to the vote it was, by majority:


RESOLVED that determination of planning application TWC/2023/0058 be deferred to allow the Committee Members to make a Site Visit and to allow for the provision of further clarification on highways matters. 




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