The application sought full planning permission for the demolition of an existing portacabin office and security buildings and for the erection of new offices and storage warehouse including external forklift ramp and car parking. The item was before Members due to Section 106 contributions towards a traffic regulation order.
Cllr P Millward, on behalf of Hadley and Leegomery Parish Council, spoke against the application citing existing concerns around noise pollution from the site and the expectation that this would worsen as a result of the proposed works.
Cllr G L Offland, Ward Member, made a representation opposing the application. Cllr Offland raised concerns around noise and light pollution as well as ecology.
Dr H Suttonwood, a local resident, opposed the application on the grounds of noise pollution.
Mr N Dale, the applicant, spoke in favour of the application. Mr Dale stated that the noise levels on site were within WHO guidelines and that the company was expanding to continue to meet the needs of customers and to grow.
The planning officer informed Members that the site was within the strategic employment area of the Borough and the principle of development was accepted. The application would not change the use of the site but upgrade facilities. There had been breaches of conditions on the use of a lorry wash on site and a notice for this breach had been served. This, however, could not inform the Committee’s decision.
In discussion, a number of Members raised concerns about the impact of noise on residents and stressed the need to enforce conditions imposed on the site.
Upon being put to the vote, it was, by a majority with one abstention:
RESOLVED – that that DELEGATED AUTHORITY be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to GRANT FULL PLANNING PERMISSION subject to a Section 106 Agreement to secure Financial Contributions, Condition(s) and Informative(s).
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