(a) Councillor A J Burford moved, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 7, the following Motion:
“This Council calls on the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to carry out an urgent review and reversal of the Government’s downgrade plan for our health and social care services and to provide the necessary resources to ensure Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire has the health and social care services that our residents deserve.
The Government’s shambolic plans to downgrade Telford’s 24/7 A&E to a so called ‘A&E Local’ has been discredited by a number of clinical bodies and means that Telford would be the largest and growing town in England without a fully functional A&E. The government also still plans to move our Consultant led Women and Children Unit from Telford, which flies in the face of recognised clinical need, the very reason why it was built in Telford! We note, with deep concern, that the cost of the Government’s downgrade plan is between £500m and £600m, yet they have only allocated a loan of £312m, which will inevitably mean some vital services will have to be cut as a result.
This does not make sense - Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire residents deserve better. This Council agrees to:·
• Urgently write to the Health and Social Care Secretary to ask for an urgent review and reversal of the Government’s downgrade plan; and
• Take all steps necessary to make a referral to the Independent Reconfiguration Panel to seek a review of this decision.”
Councillor A D McClements seconded the Motion.
In accordance with Committee Procedure Rule 9.5, a recorded vote on the motion was taken, the voting being as follows:
For 42.
Councillors S Bentley, K T Blundell, M Boylan, A J Burford, S P Burrell, E Callear, E J Carter, L D Carter, G H Cook, S Davies, N A Dugmore, A J Eade, A R H England, N A M England, R C Evans, I T W Fletcher, V A Fletcher, J Gough, C Healy, T L B Janke, A S Jhawar, J Jones, R T Kiernan, J Lavery, A Lawrence, A D McClements, R Mehta, K Middleton, T J Nelson, R A Overton, I Preece, S A W Reynolds, H Rhodes, K S Sahota, P J Scott, J M Seymour, C F Smith, B J Thompson, W L Tomlinson, C R Turley, P R Watling, B Wennington
Abstentions 4
Councillors E J Greenaway, G Offland, S J Reynolds, D R W White
Against 0
RESOLVED - that the motion be approved
(b) Councillor P R Watling proposed the following Motion:-
“This Conservative government has crashed the British economy from Downing Street as a result of their unfunded ‘mini’ budget. Families and households here in Telford and Wrekin will pay more for their mortgages, rents, food, and fuel and public services will have less money to pay for services that residents here in Telford and Wrekin rely on – from social care to education, health and policing to council services. Great Britain is in a cost of living crisis because the Conservative government has crashed the economy.
We, as a council, are committed to reducing inequalities across Telford and Wrekin which has been at the heart of our work for more than a decade. This has provided a strong foundation that enabled us to quickly mobilise additional support for our community throughout the Covid pandemic, and other emergencies, such as flooding. This unprecedented cost of living crisis means that our residents and businesses now need us to be on their side more than ever.
As a council on the side of our resident this Council:-
• Declares a cost of living emergency
• Will write to the government and local MPs seeking urgent assurance that the council budget will be protected in real-terms so that the council can support residents here in Telford and Wrekin
• As already set out last year, remains committed to freezing general council tax in April 2023 for the second year in a row – and notes the council has the lowest council tax in the Midlands for the services that we provide
• Agrees to do all it can with the resources available to it to aid residents through the cost of living crisis but acknowledges that without government support for residents and the council – cuts to services are inevitable.”
The Motion was seconded by Councillor K Middleton.
Following a robust debate, it was:-
RESOLVED - that the Motion be approved
(c) Councillor A J Eade proposed the following Motion:-
“This Council calls for average speed cameras to be installed on the section of the dangerous A41, which runs through the Borough of Telford & Wrekin.
Council also undertakes to support colleagues at Shropshire Council in lobbying the Police and Crime Commissioner to allocate the £400,000 available funding to deliver this essential safety measure.”
The Motion was seconded by Councillor S P Burrell.
Councillor R A Overton then moved an amendment, with additional words shown in bold and underlined and removed words shown struck through.
“This Council calls for
average speed cameras to be installed on the section of the
dangerous A41, which partially runs through the Borough of
Telford & Wrekin. The Council also undertakes to support
colleagues at Shropshire Council in lobbying calling
on the Police and Crime Commissioner to allocate the
£400,000 to help fund available funding to
deliver this essential safety measure as well as investing
in other safety schemes across Telford and
The amendment was seconded by Councillor L D Carter.
At the end of the debate regarding the amendment, a vote was taken as it was:-
RESOLVED – that the amendment be carried and become the substantive motion.
Following a robust debate, the amended motion was put to the vote and it was, by majority:-
RESOLVED - that the amended motion be approved