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This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.


Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet is the main decision-making body of the Authority. It has executive powers for all matters, except those held by the full Council or those reserved to regulatory committees (such as planning and licensing applications). The Cabinet has a key role in proposing the budget and policy framework to be adopted by the Council.


The Cabinet is chaired by the Leader of the Council. The other members of the Cabinet each have responsibility for a particular area of the Council's work (although they do not have individual decision-making powers).


The Cabinet generally meets around once every four weeks. The meetings are held in public. The decisions of the Cabinet are published within 4 working days of the meeting.


You can write to the Leader and Cabinet Members at Telford & Wrekin Council, Darby House, Lawn Central, Telford, TF3 4JA or visit the View Councillors webpage for alternative ways to get in touch. 


Telford & Wrekin Council’s Cabinet and Full Council meetings are streamed live and available to replay on our Webcast Library. Click on the “subscribe” button to receive notifications of future meetings.


Notices of key decisions to be taken by Cabinet can be viewed by viewing Forward Plans.