Agenda and minutes

Communities Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 22 January 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Third Floor, Southwater One, Telford, TF3 4JG

Contact: Paige Starkey  01952 380110

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 247 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 November 2024.


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2024 be agreed and signed by the Chair.


Domestic Abuse Grants

For the committee to review the council's duties and funding to support people affected by domestic abuse.


The Director: Health & Wellbeing and Senior Public Health Commissioner presented an update to the Committee on the work of the Telford & Wrekin Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board (DALP).

In 2021, the new Domestic Abuse (DA) Act set out obligations for local authorities which would involve a partnership approach with thematic sub-groups of partnership boards. Following the implementation of the new Act, key actions for local authorities included establishing a multi-agency Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board, conducting a needs assessment around safe accommodation every three years, providing sufficient safe accommodation and publishing a strategy for support provision for the Borough.

In 2022, the Telford & Wrekin Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board was established in conjunction with the national Domestic Abuse charity Safe Lives and the process to refresh the Council’s Domestic Abuse Strategy commenced. Although the act focused on accommodation-based support, the DALP adopted a wider approach incorporating prevention and community awareness schemes such as the White Ribbon campaign and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) initiative.


The Council’s domestic abuse grant for the 2025/26 financial year was estimated at £0.582m and would support the expansion of safe accommodation and support for victims and families but would not be able to be used for work with perpetrators. Additional funding would be sought from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and corporate sources.


Members heard that the Council started its commissioning process in 2022 which would lead to a new service and support offer in operation from June 2023, provided by Cranstoun and West Mercia Women’s Aid. The new service would complement other services provided by the Council including refuge points and Family Hubs. The service offered a single point of contact and 24hr helpline as well as a specialist independent advocacy service for male victims commissioned by the OPCC, with a focus on supporting victims in the criminal justice system.  There was also a range of group programmes for adult survivors and support systems for children and young people affected by domestic abuse. As awareness of the new service grew, capacity issues emerged and Independent Domestic Abuse Advisors for high-risk females were funded by the OPCC. Referrals for these services could be made by professionals or victims via email or the helpline.


The Council's Children's Safeguarding services included programmes such as Power to Change, The Voice and Crush, which focused on prevention and skills for avoiding abusive relationships. The Council also managed a direct access refuge for victims of domestic abuse including an 8-bed unit, whilst Cranstoun managed self-contained temporary accommodation units in partnership with local providers. At the time of the meeting, there were three operational units, with a further two units coming online in the near future.

Members also heard that the A Better Tomorrow service provided additional accommodation for women and victims, particularly those with mental health, drug, or alcohol issues, incorporating a peer support ethos.


The current Domestic Abuse Strategy was approved by the Council’s Cabinet in February 2023 following a period of consultation and  ...  view the full minutes text for item COMSC16


Work Programme Review pdf icon PDF 285 KB

The review the updated Work Programme for the Communities Scrutiny Committee.


The Service Delivery Manager: Registrars, Public Protection, Legal & Democracy presented the updated work programme to the Committee. The next formal meeting was scheduled to take place in March 2025 where Members would receive an update on the Council’s affordable warmth strategy.


Chair's Update


The Chair advised Members that following a recent workshop conducted as part of the Committee’s work to review of fly-tipping in the borough, the final version of materials produced by the Council’s Neighbourhood Enforcement Team would be circulated to the Committee for comment before production.


The Chair also suggested that the Committee participate in a further round of the mystery customer testing as part of the Committee’s input into the Customer Service Strategy refresh presented at the last formal meeting.