Agenda and minutes

Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 30 January 2025 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Third Floor, Southwater One, Telford, TF3 4JG

Contact: Paige Starkey  01952 380110

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 243 KB

To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 7 November 2024.


RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 7 November 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair. 


Education Attainment 2023/24

To receive a verbal update on Education Attainment statistics for the 2023/24 academic year.


The Director: Education & Skills and the Achievement & Enrichment Service Delivery Manager presented an update to the Committee on the education attainment statistics for the 2023/24 academic year.


The presentation highlighted that the Council was the accountable body responsible for performance for maintained schools whilst academies would be required to report to the Department for Education (DfE). Statistical data released by the DfE showed that in Telford and Wrekin, 70% of primary schools were schools which were maintained and 92% of secondary schools were schools which were academies, both of which were above the national average at the time of the meeting.


Members heard that the national picture for education was continuously evolving and it was predicted that 69% of children in Telford and Wrekin would reach the expected standard of learning at the end of early years foundation stage and 62% would reach the expected standard of learning at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2), both of which were above the national average at the time of the meeting. For Key Stage 4 (KS4) pupils, 39% of children were predicted to achieve a Grade 5 in English and Maths which a total attainment score of 43.3 which was just below the average score for the West Midlands of 44.5.


Over the past three years, Telford and Wrekin had consistently edged above the national average across various areas of learning and development which showed that children were either meeting or emerging towards the expected standards. The percentage of children in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) who were expected to reach a good level of development for 2024 was in line with the national average with 69% of pupils expected achieve a good level of development in Telford and Wrekin compared to 65% of pupils for the West Midlands. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have provided targeted intervention to support children transitioning from EYFS to KS1 (Year 1) who may have not met early learning goals or good level of development. This included initiatives such as Talk Boost which had supported over 500 children and trained over 220 professionals to enhance language development. More than three quarters of pupils had met the expected standard for early learning goals for physical social education, communication and language.


The Government had set clear targets for schools for children to be able to successfully decode words to help with development of early reading skills. There was a requirement as part of the DfE approved programme for phonics tests to be taken by pupils in Year 1. Members heard that the percentage of children who had passed phonics tests in Telford and Wrekin was in line with both regional and national averages. For Telford and Wrekin schools, 80% of pupils were achieving the expected level in phonics decoding in 2024.

Over the last two years, KS1 statutory assessments have been removed, however assessments were still being undertaken in schools and all children would be required to sit Year 6 SATs at the end of the Summer  ...  view the full minutes text for item CYP38


Telford & Wrekin Local Safeguarding Children's Board Annual Report 2022/23 & 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive the annual report of the Telford & Wrekin Local Safeguarding Children’s Board for 2022/23 and 2023/24.

Additional documents:


The Independent Chair of the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board and the Service Delivery Manager: Policy & Development presented the annual report of the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board covering the 2022/23 and 2023/24 financial years.


Members heard that the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board was a partnership board responsible for multiagency safeguarding arrangements to protect and safeguard vulnerable children and was funded by Telford & Wrekin Council in equal partnership with the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Board and West Mercia Police.


The core focus of the Board was to:-


  • Put the person who had been harmed or at risk at the centre of everything and listen to their views about what could be done to improve the safety of people;
  • Hold members to account;
  • Collect and share information about how people are kept safe;
  • Make sure workers and volunteers receive the training needed to provide safe services and to share concerns if they believe a person is being hurt or abused;
  • Review policies and guidance to make sure there is constant improvement; and
  •  Raise awareness of safeguarding issues and what to do.


A summary of key achievements of the Board over the last three years included addressing child neglect and exploitation in Telford and Wrekin.

Significant progress had been made in addressing neglect following work undertaken by the partnership to consult with partners, families and children to review practice and engagement with families from Family Connect referrals. The introduction of various initiatives including the development of a neglect windscreen, multi-agency file audits and the roll out of additional Family Hubs has led to a reduction in neglect-related assessments and contacts.


Members heard that Telford was in a strong position in relation to its response child exploitation with the work undertaken to date validated by Tom Crowther KC. The Board had undertaken a two year review to examine the implementation of the inquiry’s recommendations. As part of its priorities, the Board had developed a multi-agency data set to analyse trends and emerging needs to help tailor services and support. The Child Exploitation contextual safeguarding model was also created to address strategic barriers and prevent exploitation.


At the time of the meeting, the Board was in the process of reviewing its priorities for 2024/25 which would include a focus on improving responses to children’s emotional health needs and prevention of harm to children through the provision of early support. The Board would also continue its focus on partners response to child exploitation which included the development of a co-produced Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy with lived experience consultees.


Following the presentation, Members asked several questions:-


How was neglect identified? Did teachers, social services, GPs and other professionals who may identify aspects of neglect communicate with one another and did we talk to the child about their experiences?


The Independent Chair of the Telford and Wrekin Safeguarding Children Board advised that part of the Board’s aims was to ensure that partners were alert to neglect and aware of its prevalence.  ...  view the full minutes text for item CYP39


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To review the updated Work Programme for the Children & Young People Scrutiny Committee.


The Senior Democracy Officer (Scrutiny) presented the updated work programme to the Committee. The next formal meeting was scheduled to take place in March 2025 where Members would receive an update on School Admissions and Placements. A further meeting of the Committee would take place in May 2025 which would look at the Council’s SEND offer.


Members were also informed that work had commenced on the next two year Scrutiny work programme and Members would be invited to make suggestions for the 2025/26 municipal year.


Chair's Update


Following the lengthy discussion had by Members during the meeting, the Chair suggested that a visit to the Council’s Family Hubs be arranged.