Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary Meeting, Full Council - Thursday 10 November 2022 6.45 pm

Venue: Telford Theatre, Limes Walk, Oakengates, Telford, TF2 6EP

Contact: Jayne Clarke / Stacey Worthington  01952 383205 / 384382


No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Notice of Motion

Councillor Andrew Eade will move the following Motion:


“This Council expresses its deep concern and no confidence in the lack of a fully independent structure to oversee the implementation of recommendations put forward by Mr. Tom Crowther KC following the conclusion of his recent CSE inquiry into Telford & Wrekin Council and other organisations mention.”


The Motion will be seconded by Councillor Nigel Dugmore.


Councillor A J Eade moved, in accordance with Council Procedure

Rule 7, the following Motion:


“This Council expresses its deep concern and no confidence in the lack of a fully independent structure to oversee the implementation of recommendations put forward by Mr. Tom Crowther KC following the conclusion of his recent CSE inquiry into Telford & Wrekin Council and other organisations mention.”


Councillor N A Dugmore seconded the motion.


Following a debate, a recorded vote was requested by the requisite number of councillors and that was as follows:


For 13

Councillors S Bentley, S P Burrell, E J Carter, N A Dugmore, A J Eade, I T W Fletcher, V A Fletcher, J Gough, E J Greenaway, R T Kiernan, A Lawrence, T J Nelson and J M Seymour


Against 33

Councillors K T Blundell, M Boylan, A J Burford, E Callear, L D Carter, G H Cook, S Davies, A R H England, N A M England, R C Evans, C Healy, T L B Janke, A S Jhawar, J Jones, J Lavery, A D McClements, R Mehta, K Middleton, G Offland, R A Overton, I Preece, S A W Reynolds, S J Reynolds, H Rhodes, K S Sahota, P J Scott, C F Smith, B J Thompson, W L Tomlinson, C R Turley, P R Watling, B Wennington and D R W White.


Abstain 0


RESOLVED that the motion not be approved.